Argentavis mk.1 2 no factory

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Argentavis .jpg

The Argentavis is an NPC ship that is part of the Learning to Survive Scenario. It is a high risk/high reward encounter.


The original encounter used to be notorious for its aggressiveness and the ship's relentless stalking of players. Since then, its attack strategy was changed, and since the Warfare update, players also have much better weapons at their disposal to defend themselves, balancing the odds.

This ship was named after the largest flying bird known to have existed in the current fossil record, the prehistoric bird itself being named after the country it was found in, Argentina.



Spoiler warning!
This article or section contains details about the game which players may be intended to discover on their own!

The Argentavis appears in the Learning to Survive Scenario as the antagonist commander’s ship after defeating the pirate base. This makes the Argentavis the first mini-boss of the Space Engineers world.

Argentavis used to be the most dangerous vessel in any Space Engineers scenario, at least it was during its debut. In a pre-1.0 update, Keen removed its ability to continually summon other Argentavis, which used to create a flock of aggressive Argentavis, swarming the engineers.

When triggered towards the end of the Learning to Survive Scenario today, the Argentavis continues to attack players from a safe distance around 8-12km away. Should players try to escape, it continuously stalks its prey and calls in dangerous drones, such as the Dyad. To stop the onslaught of its Incisor, Dyad, and Barb drones, players need to disable its Antenna, labelled "Heavy Drone Manufacturing Started".

Upon capture and grinding down of the cockpit, reactor, and medical room, a series of special Cargo ships may start spawning into the Engineers' world.



Inventory items are approximations are not exact values. Engineers' results may vary widely.

  • 500x 25x184mm NATO ammo container
  • 300x 200mm missile container
  • 20,000x Steel Plates
  • 1,000x Interior Plate
  • 500x Bulletproof Glass
  • 50x Detector Components
  • 100x Display
  • 300x Explosives
  • 5,000 Kg Ice
  • 300x Girder
  • 50x Gravity Generator Components
  • 700x Large Steel Tube
  • 100x Medical Components
  • 600x Metal Grid
  • 1,000x Motor
  • 400x Power Cell
  • 200x Radio-communication Components
  • 800x Reactor Components
  • 1,500x Small Steel Tube
  • 650x Thruster Components
  • 500x Computer
  • 2,000x Construction Component
  • 110 Kg Uranium Ingot (50 Kg in the Large Reactor)
  • Welder
  • Hand Drill
  • Grinder
  • 3200x Nato Magazine