Silver Ore

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Ore, Silver
Icon Item Silver Ore.png

Category: Ore
Status: Functional

Can be refined into a usable material

Mass: 1 kg
Volume: 0.37 L

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

Silver Ore is a naturally occurring, uncommon ore found in deep veins within planets, moons, and asteroids. Its light gray colour makes it easy to mistake it for Platinum Ore. It has metallic white, shiny streaks.


Silver is used to produce Medical Components, Reactor Components, Gravity Components, Elite Character Weapons and Proficient Hand Tools.


Silver ore can be processed in a Refinery to produce Silver Ingots at a 10% ratio. Which is to say 1000 Kg of ore will produce 100 Kg of ingots. 374 kg of silver ingot can be produced in a refinery in one hour, without yield or speed modules. 1 Kg of Silver ingot takes up 0.09 L of volume.


Icon Item Cobalt Ore.png Cobalt Ore, Icon Item Gold Ore.png Gold Ore, Icon Item Ice.png Ice, Icon Item Iron Ore.png Iron Ore, Icon Item Magnesium Ore.png Magnesium Ore, Icon Item Nickel Ore.png Nickel Ore, Icon Item Platinum Ore.png Platinum Ore, Icon Item Silicon Ore.png Silicon Ore, Icon Item Silver Ore.png Silver Ore, Icon Item Stone.png Stone, Icon Item Uranium Ore.png Uranium Ore