Patch Notes

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These are old release notes from Early Access before the Beta Release. For more current release notes, see Version History.

Pre-Beta Patches

Version 01.116 Major


Release Date: 15 December 2016

Hello Engineers! Today, we are pushing all the features from last week’s enormous update to the stable branch. Just in case you missed the news, this includes the total block redesign, new multiplayer netcode, a tutorial campaign and much more! We wanted to make this great update available to all players as you’ve been asking for it all week! In combination with this today’s bug and crash fixes, you should be able to enjoy a stable gameplay experience.

This update also marks the transition of Space Engineers moving to Beta phase.

Space Engineers - Update 01.166 STABLE - Space Engineers Beta

The most important thing to remember with this announcement is that there is still more content, improvements and many optimizations to come. As an example, we can confirm that one of the things being worked on currently is a new HUD which should significantly increase your immersion in the game. Beta simply means that we feel the game now has a solid foundation. Some of the new models will be receiving adjustments because of feedback from the community. Multiplayer will be seeing more optimizations and improvements to make it run even better and make it more durable. These are just a few examples of areas still in need of attention.

Thanks to your votes last week, we made it into the top 100 of IndieDB’s Indie game of the year awards. Now, there is a second round of voting to decide the ultimate winner so we need your help by voting again even if you did last week. You can find Space Engineers under the futuristic sim category: indie-of-the-year-awards Every vote counts!


  • Marek's blog post about Space Engineers Beta:
  • New Multiplayer netcode
  • Total Block Redesign; every block has been completely reworked (textures/LODs/etc.)
  • New and redesigned Tools and Weapons look
  • New and redesigned look for Components, Voxels
  • Physics improvements
  • Render improvements
  • Added Campaign containing 5 missions
  • Added Voice Chat (dependent on antenna network, it can be enabled by pressing U)
  • Added Magnetic Boots
  • Drone AI Improvements (strafing, ramming when without ammo, can use static weapons, targeting, waypoints)
  • Drive-by Turret shooting (shooting from turrets while moving with vehicles/ships)
  • Improved building (block size is automatically picked by the grid that you are pointing to; you can change the size manually by pressing the block button on your toolbar again)
  • Double Click makes a hand tool keep working continually
  • Interacting with highlighted stuff by pressing LMB and interacting with control panel RMB (only with empty hands)
  • Added Corner Lights, Corner LCDs (thanks Arindel!)
  • Enabled interior lights for small ships
  • Added Advanced Admin Tools in the Space Master menu (thanks Rexxar!)
  • Redesigned permissions ingame, added new Scripter and Moderator roles
  • Added Zoom function to all turrets
  • Customizable Fonts
  • Added ambient occlusion setting in the Graphics Options
  • Decals are now visible from inside the Cockpits
  • Voxel hand can be used by Space Master
  • Added Steam Achievements:
  • Raycast improvements (thanks Rexxar!):
  • Created a new way for mods to store custom data inside entities:
  • Added new toggle for Sensor for detecting subgrids
  • Added a new button to rotors that allows a small rotor head to be added
  • Re-worked remote access menu to be more user friendly and accessible
  • Added support for CompilationSymbols arguments in Teamcity
  • Whitelisted items (so they can be edited in scripts to avoid conflicts)
  • Added Monospace Font (thanks @Krypt! :) )
  • Trees can now be cut down using the grinder/drill tool
  • Added "Loading Wheel" when pasting a blueprint
  • Added Workshop tag "Campaign"
  • GitHub Updated


  • fixed crash while pasting specific blueprints on DS
  • fixed ingame script finalizers crashing the game
  • fixed rare crash related to Refinery
  • fixed fire disappearing when shooting reactors, gravity generators, cockpits and other blocks
  • fixed spotlight losing glare effect after being repainted
  • fixed Vegetation View Distance not changing in game
  • fixed personal light turning off when using remote control
  • fixed phantom power drain when using merge block
  • fixed outdated instructions in step 1 of tutorial 8
  • fixed gun particles at close range
  • fixed issue with conveyor sorter working even when turned off
  • fixed rifle shooting constantly after entering the menu
  • fixed thruster flame animation freezing
  • fixed issue with copy/pasting station turning into ships
  • fixed issue when welding solar panels
  • fixed issue with ore spawns in rock
  • fixed issue with voxel tearing and the wrong texture appearing
  • fixed a part of the issue where only pressing C activates thrusters
  • fixed the no clip part of the laser antenae
  • fixed issue where the output angle for PBs did not show on LCD
  • fixed mirroring issue with oxygen farm
  • fixed mirroring issue with 3x3 wheels
  • fixed mirroring issue with 5x5 wheels
  • fixed mirroring issue with large antenna
  • fixed mirroring issue with small conveyor frame
  • fixed mirroring issue with small/large atmospheric thruster
  • fixed mirroring issue oxygen generator
  • fixed issue with dead bodies cluttering the server (improved sim speed)
  • fixed crash at System.Array.Clear(Array array, Int32 index, Int32 length)
  • fixed crash at System.Console.ReadKey(Boolean intercept)
  • fixed crash at System.Text.StringBuilder.get_Chars
  • fixed issues with loading the star system scenario
  • fixed bug that was occurring when using welder on projection
  • fixed issue with connectors not being locked on server restart
  • fixed crash at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeGrid.MultiplyBlockSkeleton
  • fixed crash at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyRefinery (Again)
  • fixed crash during timerblock preview while trying to paste it
  • fixed issue with ship pasted into voxels not turning into station
  • fixed issue with procedural asteroids not rendering correctly
  • fixed issue where you are unable to pick up objects in between doors
  • fixed not being able to place text panel on the tip of the armor slope
  • fixed issue where you were unable to place voxels over projections
  • fixed issue which caused the local area grid bound to disappear
  • fixed issue where pillar could be attached to armor slope block from the side
  • fixed issue with ship Grinder/Welder blocks range
  • fixed issue with Hydrogen Thrusters being added to ships and making them lose altitude in gravity
  • fixed issue with warping sounds with large number of ship Grinders/Welders
  • fixed issue with respawn ships appearing outside of world size limits
  • fixed issue with ships spawning without a physical presence in worlds
  • fixed issue with wheels not behaving properly when used in the Visual Scripting tool
  • fixed issue where tools continued running even when entering into the menu
  • fixed issue where blocks with "+" reverting to default block when changing grid size
  • fixed issues where asteroids were not present in "Asteroid" scenario or spawned too far away
  • fixed issue with projections casting shadows
  • fixed issue with crosshair appearing when going into spectator mode while still in the cockpit
  • fixed issue with thrusters acting dead (turned off) when locked to a grid with a landing gear
  • fixed issue where players could change in to a space wolf while on survival using the med bay
  • fixed crash at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException
  • fixed space ball air tightness issue (no longer airtight)
  • fixed issue with cargo ships not despawning
  • fixed issue with explosions appearing pixelated and with squares on edges
  • fixed issue where double clicking during the loading screen caused a crash
  • fixed crash at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeGrid.MultiplyBlockSkeleton
  • fixed crash when pasting planet too close to yourself on a dedicated server
  • fixed issue with certain blocks not being welded by the ship welder when using projector
  • fixed issue with ThrustMultiplier property being disregarded in ModAPI.IMyThrust
  • fixed issue where you are unable to control turrets from control panels on DS upon a character death
  • fixed issue with pasted grids aligning themselves to grids locked with landing gear rather than grid being aimed at
  • fixed issue where sound alert 2 was not working in visual scripting
  • fixed issue where in the G-screen you were unable to grab the scrollbar with your mouse
  • fixed issue with mirror mode planes causing a strobe effect when placed at the edge of grids
  • fixed issue where particle effect while flying through space was not visible
  • fixed issue where gatling guns were unable to target missiles (by slowing them down)
  • fixed issue that 1x1 Window Inv is not part of the 1x1 Window face group
  • fixed issue where the "red box" appeared when using the voxel hand tool in 1st person
  • fixed issue with ctrl+scroll not working when using the voxel hand tool
  • fixed issue with strafing and rolling while using the AZERTY keyboard (Hon hon hon!)
  • fixed issue where moving your mouse during pause would shift your POV regardless
  • fixed particle effect from bullet impact being too big and having too many sparks
  • fixed some more the hard edgings on explosions
  • fixed issue where snow particles from running were brighter than the snow on the ground
  • fixed the ugly muzzle smoke from the rifle when firing
  • fixed crash during launch when there is no audio device
  • fixed 2 crashes related to Customizable Fonts
  • fixed issue where tools would continue to run when bringing up the control panel
  • fixed issue when adding a hydrogen thruster to ship made the dampeners behave incorrectly
  • fixed issue with control panel message appearing briefly
  • fixed mirroring issue with the small grid 5x5 wheel
  • fixed issue where it was difficult to select a button on the control panel
  • fixed issue where rotor displacement would not refresh when options were changed in the control panel
  • fixed crash at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeGrid.IsAabbInsideVoxel
  • fixed crash at Game.Entities.Blocks.MyMechanicalConnectionBlockBase.Brea
  • fixed crash Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyRefinery.ChangeRequirementsToResults
  • fixed crash SharpDX.SharpDXException
  • fixed the trash removal tool to function properly
  • fixed issue with turrets targeting meteors through grids
  • fixed issue were settings from Info tab from the control panel did not refresh even when changing save games
  • fixed camera issue where exiting it would not preserve the POV
  • fixed issue where landing gear would stay lit yellow even when turned off
  • fixed issue where you were unable to paste when in Creative mode if you are not a admin
  • fixed issue where on survival the transparent build preview when using "Lines" or "Grids" would not show
  • fixed arm animations when holding gun in and viewing your character in 3rd person
  • fixed issue where dying made you look into the center of the planet (very uncomfortable bright flashing colors)
  • fixed issue with accuracy on guns not syncing up with the crosshair
  • fixed minor issue where going into the menu gave you a slight upward boos when flying with jetpack
  • fixed minor issue where interior turrets would remain collapsed when welding
  • GitHub source code updated
  • removed breathing, suffocating and oxygen sounds for creative mode
  • increased number of characters for LCD panels to 100,000 characters
  • rotors had their negative limits re-added ( Sorry for the blueprint issues that this may have/will cause)
  • removed error message for 3D export function (ctrl+alt+e shortcut)
  • ship drills are now working slightly faster
  • reduced the amount of memory leaks and fixed issue with reloading save file increased the memory consumption
  • hitting trees should no longer make the trees fly away into the atmosphere

Hotfix 166.011

  • fixed crash while joining server
  • fixed crash in piston
  • fixed crash in Giant leap for mankind
  • fixed pink mods
  • fixed pink steel plate
  • fixed invisible grids in multiplayer
  • fixed player getting put in control respawn ship
  • improved sun
  • improved stability of render initialization
  • fixed solar panel textures
  • fixed landing gears not working on client
  • fixed modded blocks LODs

Version 01.115 {{{Type}}}

Release Date: 31 December 2015



Version 01.114 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.113 {{{Type}}}



Version: 01.112

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Version 01.111 {{{Type}}}

Release Date: 02 December 2015


  • new weapon / tool tiers


Version 01.110 {{{Type}}}

Release Date: 26 November 2015



Version 01.109 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 19 November 2015

After the release of Planets we are focusing this week on bug fixing and improving the building process.

Placing your first block (base station) on a planet surface is now much more intuitive for newcomers and returning players. Blocks are aligned with gravity by default. You can start new grids (small/large ships, vehicles, base stations) from toolbar icons without going to G screen. This is the first iteration and more improvements are planned for the planetary building process.


  • intuitive planetary building (station rotation mode ON by default)
  • added option to place small/large ships and base station into toolbar
  • new menu videos


  • fixed placing the base station on the surface of planets
  • fixed missing asteroids in DX9
  • fixed displacement for high grids
  • fixed loading screen in DX9
  • fixed crash when deleting LCD panel
  • fixed crash when ships collide
  • fixed crash with hydrogen thrusters
  • fixed crash when using jump drive
  • fixed crash when computing mass of the grid
  • fixed crash when drag and dropping items in inventory
  • fixed crash when using jetpack
  • fixed damaged reactor still providing power

EDIT 11/28/2015:
Update 01.109.012

  • fixed crash when grinding ship
  • fixed crash with laser antenna
  • fixed crash with space ball
  • fixed space bottles not showing percentage
  • fixed toolbars not saving correctly
  • fixed tutorials cannot be loaded
  • fixed deaths on server
  • fixed various bugs in tutorials

Version 01.108 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 12 November 2015

Planets have been released. Have fun!



Version 01.107 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.106 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.105 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.104 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.103 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.102 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.101 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.100 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.099 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.098 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.097 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.096 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.095 {{{Type}}}



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Version: 01.091

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Version: 01.078

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Version: 01.077

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Version: 01.076

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Version: 01.070

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Version: 01.069

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Version: 01.068

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Version: 01.067

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Version 01.066 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.065 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.064 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.063 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.062 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.061 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.060 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.059 {{{Type}}}



Version 01.058 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 27 November 2014

Projector block has been added - players are now able to project blueprints and weld the projection. Please read the Projector Guide below for more detailed info. We are also continuing our bugfixing period. The good news is that a big amount of bugs have been already fixed, or are about to be fixed within the next days, but there are still a few more major bugs and our team is working hard on fixing them.


  • projector block
  • option to use blueprints menu (F10) and save blueprint (Ctrl+B) in survival mode
  • possibility to display pivot point of the grid (Terminal -> Info -> Show grid pivot)
  • turrets are not shooting armor on friendly ships; this applies to other blocks with no ownership as well


  • fixed MWM builder resetting pivot rotation and position of models
  • fixed custom gatling gun shooting itself
  • fixed game crash when changing ownership as block is destroyed
  • fixed thruster damage not working on cargo container
  • fixed wrong collision model of antenna
  • fixed crash when placing sniper turret (mod)

EDIT 11/28/2014:
Update 01.058.015

  • fixed projected blueprints with merge block don't stay connected when being projected
  • fixed door model bug when finished from projection
  • fixed projected blueprints don't persist when disconnected from grid
  • fixed projection doesn't persist when merging/unmerging from another ship/station
  • fixed crash in toolbar and other minor crash

Projector Guide
Projector block, blueprints in survival mode:

  • players can select a blueprint to project in the projector control panel
  • projection can be moved around (set horizontal/vertical/forward offset and set yaw/pitch/roll)
  • players can see the build progress and statistics for the projected ship/station on the projector control panel
  • players are able to use the blueprint's menu (F10) and save blueprints (Ctrl+B) in survival mode


  • only one grid is supported (grids behind rotor are not projected)
  • grid size of the blueprint must match the grid size of the projector (you can project large ship and station blueprints only from the large projector block. Small projector block can project only small ship blueprints)
  • projection has no physics and it is not triggering sensors
  • projection is always attached and aligned to the projector grid and moves with it

Welding + Placing: When starting a ship from scratch, make sure to align the hologram to the projector and start adding blocks that are next to the projector (or to blocks connected to the projector). Blocks that will be valid for construction will be highlighted. You can also check the info panel of the projector for any warnings.

  • projected blocks can be placed/welded when projected block is in range of a welder
  • only blocks neighboring with existing blocks can be placed
  • when the projected block is colliding with anything else, it cannot be placed
  • it's possible to project a blueprint on any existing ship, to repair/rebuild it

Projector orientation: Upper side (marked with +):
SpaceEngineers 2014-11-272.jpg

Front side (marked with |):
SpaceEngineers 2014-11-271.jpg

Note: The projectors do not support blueprints with rotors and pistons at the moment. In case they are used, the projector selects the larges grid and projects only that one. We will continue to work on the projector block - as usual with every new block, this is just the first iteration and work in progress. Thanks for your understanding and for your help!

Home Page Space Engineers Wiki

Version 01.057 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 13 November 2014

This is the fourth update mainly focused on bugfixing. Besides this, we have also implemented sound modding for weapons and the option to attach or detach the top rotor part (this way players can build small rotor top on large rotor base)


  • weapon sound modding
  • added rotor top part with possibility to attach/detach
  • improved simulation speed in various scenarios
  • improved sensor performance
  • improved performance of lights
  • improved floating objects performance
  • improved performance for meteorite storms


  • fixed crash during remote control
  • fixed marker visible in another world
  • fixed camera issue no longer displaying the custom name of camera
  • fixed crash when finishing assembler in survival
  • fixed small ship beacon is too shiny
  • fixed lights which are disconnected from grid are still shining
  • fixed crash in camera control
  • fixed crash when splitting grid
  • fixed visibility of beacon (minor fix)
  • fixed stator/rotor attraction
  • fixed pressing 'Y' when in cargo ships cockpit disables movement control
  • fixed remote control is disabled after connectors are disconnected
  • fixed mirroring of arc furnace
  • fixed message is incorrect when siting in cockpit on station
  • fixed missile launcher aims incorrectly
  • fixed missile launcher not shooting at each crank & missile turret shoots only from center
  • fixed re-loadable rocket launcher: no "Reloading" message
  • fixed a possibility to drill a ship preview during copy/paste

Important note:
Due to some recent updates, Space Engineers may ask you again to allow it in Windows firewall. In case it does not pop-up automatically and you experience connection issues, please add the firewall exception manually.

EDIT 11/21/2014:
Update 01.057.005

  • fixed crash on weapon lasers
  • fixed empty Servers-list and players connecting issue
  • fixed crash with assemblers
  • fixed crashes in mwm builder
  • fixed crash with remote control deleted
  • fixed 'x' does not cancel search box
  • fixed chat scrolling bug

Version 01.056 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 13 November 2014

This is the third batch of bugfixes. We have also changed the height of piston blocks from 2-blocks to 3-blocks. This way, pistons should have more stable performance. Another (less important) change that we made is the reduction of the missile range from 1000 meters to 800 meters.


  • changed the piston’s height from 2-blocks to 3-blocks. Pistons should be more stable now (your current creations will not be affected by this change)


  • default missile range has changed from 1000m to 800m
  • fixed piston performance issues
  • improved ship collision performance
  • fixed rotor performance issues
  • fixed player not being able to remotely control ship when locked via LG
  • fixed stacked piston group toolbar issues
  • fixed spotlight's light bit ahead of themselves and shine in only one direction
  • fixed player not being able to exit remote control when second player enters the cockpit
  • fixed placing block with tool in hand
  • fixed wrong offset for flight seat camera
  • fixed cannot control the ship after using and disabling thruster override
  • fixed pistons shape is causing small ship rotation
  • fixed unable to place sloped light armor blocks (texture crash)
  • fixed ProjectileTrailColor tag preventing weapon mods from loading
  • fixed crash when spawning in modded re-spawn ship
  • fixed large bomb effect when detonating small and large warheads together
  • fixed beacon HUD being visible without power
  • fixed issues with pasting blueprints into the world
  • fixed crash when exiting from game to menu
  • fixed minor model viewer issues
  • fixed broadcasting always switching ON after loading a world
  • fixed jetpack flames getting into view in 3rd person
  • fixed missile launcher not shooting at each crank & missile turret shoots only from center
  • new programmers added to credits screen

EDIT 11/14/2014:
Update 01.056.013

  • fixed huge slowdowns and DS/MP issues
  • fixed crash when turrets on small ship were in the game
  • fixed crash when merging two ships together
  • fixed G-menu search terms not updating

Version 01.055 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 06 November 2014

This is the second batch of bugfixes. The most important fixes are the interior light issue, the dedicated server assembler issues, the reduced rotor and piston network traffic (in multiplayer) and the improved rotor stability. We have also added a new tool for our modders that helps them to see changes to their mods without having to be in the game.



  • reduced rotor and piston network traffic (in multiplayer)
  • improved rotor stability
  • fixed issues with interior lights
  • fixed dedicated server assembler issues
  • fixed character animations (hands in crouch position)
  • fixed sound modding issues
  • fixed ship grinder/welder inventory size
  • fixed can't save the game issues (toolbar crash)
  • fixed lag when missile was impacting the asteroids
  • fixed glass issues in mwmbuilder
  • fixed rotor displacement issues
  • fixed crash when renaming blueprints
  • fixed rifle animation bug (rifle floating in the air)
  • fixed rotor top part renders incorrectly
  • fixed issues with some mods cannot be loaded from workshop
  • fixed configuration file perma-death cannot be set to false
  • fixed assemblers in co-operative mode seem to copy queue items from assemblers in disassembly mode
  • fixed DeviateShotAngle does nothing in weapons.sbc
  • fixed crash caused by turrets firing
  • fixed crash with the same key was already added
  • fixed Mod Scripting - ConfigDedicated.Administrators is not populated from config file
  • fixed explosion when piston was mounted on rotor on small ship
  • fixed desync on DS
  • fixed crash when gatling turret destroys rocket
  • fixed cannot change assembler ownership on cargo ships
  • fixed character death in cockpit without cockpit been damaged

EDIT 11/07/2014
Update 01.055.008

  • fixed crash when some of the textures were corrupted
  • fixed crash when adding custom ammo
  • fixed crash when character died twice
  • fixed wrong tag in ammo definition
  • fixed client does not see jetpack of other players
  • fixed exception when loading workshop world

Version 01.054 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 30 October 2014

This week’s update includes the first batch of bugfixing. As we already informed you last week, Space Engineers is entering into a temporary stabilization period where we will focus only on bug fixing and stabilization of the things that are already in the game. This is just a temporary transition period that will last for a few weeks. There are still many big and important features to be added, but first we want to make sure that the game is free of bugs and in a much more stable state.

While waiting for the new features to come again in the game, it is a good time now, in case you haven’t done already, to start using and experimenting with the mods that our modders have created. For this, we have prepared a small video for you with selected mods created in Space Engineers.

No new features with this update.

List of Mods:


  • fixed major lag/freeze after drilling any asteroid
  • fixed groups disappearing when player left the server
  • fixed gatling gun damage is too soft
  • fixed assembler co-operate mod unchecking itself in multiplayer
  • fixed sound levels resetting after loading the map
  • fixed exploding piston after grinding it on small ship
  • fixed crash when exporting a model from the game
  • fixed crash when pasting grid with mods that you don't have
  • fixed advanced rotor staying in control panel
  • fixed various crashes when player was shooting
  • fixed mass blocks acting weird on dedicated server
  • fixed large reactor model being too small
  • fixed music issues when loading a map
  • fixed issues where player could not place a block
  • fixed performance drop issue with many turrets
  • fixed not being able to reload reloadable rocket launcher from the front
  • fixed emissivity for spotlight block
  • fixed issue with choosing reloadable rocket launcher in toolbar
  • fixed bullets having no visible particle effect
  • fixed placing light armor block under interior light on platform
  • fixed missing particle effect when player is welding
  • fixed remote control not working when ship flights over 250m away from the platform (DS)
  • fixed unfinished assemblers unmarked in production menu
  • fixed pressing "Y" shuts off all reactors regardless of ownership and sharing
  • fixed re-spawn ships not being deleted after logout
  • fixed connector keeps disconnecting
  • fixed missing aiming dot for missile launchers on large grids
  • fixed texture issue on small reactors
  • fixed question about ownership in re-spawn screen
  • fixed missing audio files message in logs
  • fixed joining issues when character died
  • fixed wrong size of the floating objects
  • fixed warheads exploding but doing no damage
  • fixed collision with attached parts in 3rd person view
  • fixed broken piston while deleting the top part in some situations (creative mode)
  • fixed master assembler pulling small amounts of material

EDIT 10/31/2014:
UPDATE 01.054.009

  • fixed lag on server side when server was shooting missiles into asteroid
  • fixed glass issues in new mwmbuilder
  • fixed rotor displacement possibilities

Known issues

  • lights issues and (working on a fix)

EDIT 11/03/2014:
We have just released a hotfix (version 01.054.012) for the assembler issues in multiplayer that were caused after the latest update. We want to apologize for any inconvenience that we might have caused. If you notice any more problems, please report them on our dedicated Forum section

Version 01.053 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 23 October 2014

In this update, we added an advanced rotor block that is able to function as a conveyor system and also implemented the option to mod sounds.

The second important implementation is bug fixing. As Marek Rosa has already written in his latest blog-post, the game is entering into a stabilization period where the amount of new features will be reduced and the focus will be mainly on bug fixing and stabilization of the things that are already in the game. This doesn't mean that weekly updates will stop coming or that we are not going to add new features any more. This is just a temporary transition period that will last for a few weeks. There are still many big and important features to be added, but first we want to make sure that the game is free of bugs and in a much more stable state before we start implementing them.


  • advanced rotor block
  • sound modding


  • fixed memory leaks in character, raycasts and asteroids
  • fixed small ship piston dummies
  • fixed render interpolation issues
  • fixed crash to desktop when pasting blueprint
  • fixed floating object size (components, ore)
  • fixed issue with not functional landing gears
  • fixed missing curved conveyor glass
  • fixed crash when clicking on faction
  • fixed issue when player can't create an asteroid map
  • fixed issue with explosions in older worlds caused by changed rotor offset
  • fixed game crash when declaring war and proposing peace
  • fixed spotlights not illuminating the area correctly

Update 01.053.015

  • fixed issue with rotor/piston staying in control panel after being deleted
  • fixed character crash
  • fixed ownership issue
  • fixed crash with control panel groups
  • fixed crashes related to weapons and shooting/welding/grinding

Version 01.052 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 16 October 2014

Assemblers can now cooperate with each other (when enabled in terminal) by taking items from other assembler’s queue and help with transferring materials. Volumetric explosions have been also added; things hidden behind armor (or other blocks) will not get destroyed when the armor survives from the explosion. Additionally, players can now help each other with the new “welder option: help others” - welded blocks will not belong automatically to the player who is helping but to the owner of the ship.


  • assembler cooperation
  • volumetric explosions
  • welder setting: help others
  • antenna broadcasting on/off (including character - "O" key)
  • default world size is now 20 km (size can still be changed to “unlimited” in world settings) 
  • arc furnace can now refine more metals


  • fixed missile explosions right after missile was launched
  • fixed issue with objects not removed when leaving the world
  • fixed respawning of character crossing the world limits
  • fixed broken animations for custom skins
  • fixed cases when components were duplicated by collectors
  • fixed issue with more screens popping up at once
  • fixed auto-save not saving the world regularly
  • fixed view change while pasting modded blueprint
  • fixed game is running before loading screen is closed
  • fixed crash caused by camera view and exiting Remote control
  • fixed custom respawn ship mods not working
  • fixed world corrupted, refinery entity ID replaced
  • fixed sensor triggering action on owned block
  • fixed DS crashed on loading - steamSDK
  • fixed client on DS is not able to join the faction
  • fixed spawned as spectator when loading world

Version 01.051 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 9 October 2014

Adding new asteroids in creative mode is now possible in Space Engineer. Players can select the asteroid type, materials and then place it into the world. Another new addition is the scrap metal items. When a component, either floating object or in block, is damaged, it is turned into scrap metal (the percentage of scrap metal is random). Scrap metal can be melted in the refineries to create iron ingots. Also, remote turret control has been added; players are now able to control turrets directly


  • adding new asteroids in creative mode (SHIFT+F10)
  • scrap metal item (can be processed in refinery into iron)
  • remote turret control


  • fixed hand animation during the block placement
  • fixed issue with transparent asteroid
  • fixed ore detector info persisting between sessions
  • fixed wrongly scaled model of large reactor
  • fixed G-screen automatically closing when another player died
  • fixed ModAPI IMyInventory.TransferItemTo freezing the game
  • fixed ModAPI CustomNameChanged crash
  • fixed ModAPI ConfigDedicated.Load exception
EDIT 10/10/14

Update 01.051.011

  • fixed turret is used by somebody else when any client changes antenna range
  • fixed turret is still used even when out of range
  • fixed crash in turrets
  • fixed warhead crash when loading game
  • added message when turret runs out of ammo
  • ModAPI added ColorMask getter for blocks

Version 01.050 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 2 October 2014

Blueprints have been added in Space Engineers. Players can now save their ship or station on a blueprint and paste it into their game. This was one of the most demanded features by the community, so we feel happy that it is finally in the game. We hope that players will enjoy this as well.

Blueprints can also be uploaded and shared on Steam Workshop. They work only when copy/paste is enabled. At the moment, blueprints can be used only in creative mode, but later in the future they will be added for survival as well. Welders (both ship and character) will be able to 'place' blocks according to blueprints.


  • Blueprints (F10, Ctrl+B)


  • fixed reduced distance for placing objects in survival mode
  • fixed issue when a dead player could still remotely control ships
  • fixed ore detector showing ore when owned by someone else
  • fixed mod api enums not allowed
  • fixed crash when changing ownership
  • fixed mod api - 147 script error due to 'the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process'
  • fixed cockpit lockout after RCing a ship
  • fixed hand tools not working after RCing a ship
  • fixed colour palette resetting
EDIT 10/03/2014

Update 01.050.010

  • fixed slender man
  • fixed crash in modded character caused by different number of bones
  • fixed crash caused by meteors hitting asteroid
  • fixed crash when using unsupported characters in blueprint name

Version 01.049 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 25 September 2014

The G-screen layout has been completely recreated (custom tabs are still work in progress). A search box for the G-screen has been also added along with the antenna’s range visibility and the item spawning tools for world makers.


  • recreated G-screen layout - it provides easier and faster access to what you need
  • moddable categories for G-screen blocks and tools (can be edited in the new BlockCategories.sbc file)
  • search textbox in the G-screen to make it easier to find that one block
  • added antenna range visualization (under info tab)
  • added object creation for player-made scenarios (creative mode only, Shift + F10)
  • sensor is now able to detect voxels (asteroids)


  • fixed crash in missile launcher shooting
  • fixed issue with multiple ships in one spawn group shooting at each other
  • fixed crash in modding API caused by ConfigDedicated.Administrators
  • fixed sync issues with damage application to blocks
  • fixed shifted jetpack animation on characters in multiplayer
  • fixed missing welding/grinding/drilling sounds
  • fixed player spawning twice in the world after remotely controlling a ship
  • fixed custom palette resetting after spawn
  • fixed issue when asteroids are not properly update when a lot of explosives go off near them
  • fixed ModAPI is no longer working for some namespaces
  • fixed cockpit inertia displayed wrong in 1st person
  • fixed timers execute one tab only
  • fixed collector not collecting 0 speed items
  • fixed G-Menu search-box reaction on shortcuts
  • fixed ModAPI ConfigDedicated.Administrators causes exception
  • fixed crash while starting remote control by sensor
EDIT 09/26/2014

Update 01.049.009

  • fixed crash when joining multi player
  • fixed crash in input
  • fixed major audio crash
  • fixed issues with remote control on Dedicated server

Version 01.048 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 18 September 2014

The Modding API has been implemented into Space Engineers. It brings a lot of new possibilities to our modders and it allows them to alter the game by writing C# scripts which have access to in-game objects! Reloadable missile launcher for small ships is also added - with the option to use the conveyor system.

Additionally in this update, we have included the Fighter Cockpit model that was created by the modder “Darth Biomech”. This is the first modded model that makes it into the official version of the game. By doing this, we want to reward and encourage all modders for their good work and efforts. It’s not possible to add all mods which are created, because we need to keep the game simple and organized, but we can ensure that more mods will be added in the future.

ModAPI Guide: Tomorrow we'll post video showing how to configure free version of Visual Studio and create simple mod using ModAPI.


  • Modding API (WIP - more features will be added in the future)
  • Reloadable missile launcher for small ships
  • Respawn ship cool down time
  • Ship dampeners configurable in terminal
  • Moddable door open distance
  • Search in inventory by item name
  • Fighter cockpit mod – special thanks to modder “Darth Biomech”!


  • Fixed infinite refinery production issue
  • Fixed armor models
  • fixed scrolling while copy-pasting was not in F1 help screen
  • fixed buttons for New Platform and ships visible when setting actions in sensor
  • fixed cannot stack items in production queue
  • fixed issue when player was able to remote control anything even outside of the antenna’s range
  • fixed incorrect texture of small rotors
  • fixed sensor/timer block triggering actions on grids joined by connectors even after disconnection
  • fixed loosing ability to remote control ships after previous interaction with remote control block
  • fixed assembler inventory output filling up input inventory
  • fixed issue when merge blocks on pistons were not disconnected
  • fixed ore mining ratio
  • fixed issue when refineries were still working even when the power was cut off
  • fixed sensor lags on Dedicated Server and normal Multi-player
  • fixed crash while being kicked out of faction
  • fixed freeze without creating the log after a map was loaded
  • fixed changing field and loading the game activates the sensor
  • fixed the amount of required blocks for creating sensor blocks
  • fixed issue with faction members’ names when they are remote controlling a ship

EDIT 09/19/2014

Update 01.048.020

  • Fixed character spawning twice in the same world
  • Fixed crash in script mission
  • Fixed crash related to fighter cockpit
  • Fixed spelling mistake "inertial dampeners"
  • Fixed crash when assembler blueprints were missing
  • Fixed crash when copy pasting grid with mod that was previously removed from the world
  • Reduced network lag in certain cases (when rotors are in world)
EDIT 09/22/2014

Update 01.048.021

  • Fixed scripting exploit

Script exploit was hot-fixed, some scripts may stop working because we've been forced to disable one particular feature. This will be fixed asap and scripts should be working again soon.

Version 01.047 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 11 September 2014

The remote ship control system has been implemented. Players are now able to build drone ships and control them without being inside the ship’s cockpit - keep in mind that remote control is still dependent on the friendly antennas’ signal. Moreover, the timer block has been added, which allows players to trigger a queued action after a set period of time. Additionally, gravity and sensor field view are also available and sensors can detect stations/platforms.


  • Remote ship control – control ships without being inside the ship’s cockpit (drones)
  • Timer block - triggers a queued action after a set period of time
  • Gravity/Sensor field view
  • Sensor block now detects stations
  • Ore detector info can be relayed through antennas
  • New interior wall texture


  • fixed cost of small ship piston head (it cost the same as a large ship piston head)
  • fixed issue when placing a landing gear or station block was placed as fully built
  • fixed dedicated servers downloading blank/empty .sbms
  • fixed unmerging/merging breaks control groups
  • fixed several mods which were crashing dedicated server
  • fixed connectors being destroyed because they were too close while connected
  • fixed piston disappearing after grinding down the top part
  • fixed sensor detecting players while being set to detect floating objects

Known issues

  • Sensor block is detecting small ships, but the action is not triggered

EDIT 9/12/2014:
Update 01.047.016

  • fixed crash while pressing F6 in remote control
  • fixed issue with direct access to inventory panel while in remote control
  • fixed issue with T button was active while chatting in camera view
  • fixed exiting camera view kicks player out of cockpit
  • fixed control problem with RC block on same ship
  • fixed issue where you could take control through toolbar, even though the button was disabled
  • fixed issue always in 3rd person view after starting a new game
  • fixed crash related to custom voxel material
  • fixed remote control camera glitch
  • fixed timer block delay reseting on log in
  • fixed rotation while copy+paste a ship
  • fixed issue with refineries still working when power is cut off

Version 01.046 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 4 September 2014

The sensor block has been added; you can configure what happens when something enters or leaves from the sensor’s field - the configuration is similar to the button panel. It's also possible to set a filter, so it will trigger events only for small ships, large ships, floating objects or characters. In the future we will add an option to allow filtering based on friend/foe status. Also, flashing options have been added for lights; you can create navigation lights and runways - multiple lights can be synced. Warhead has now timer and also can be detonated remotely through the terminal.



  • added multiplayer lag/slowdown compensation (helps with rubber banding)
  • added possibility for name change during dedicated server setup
  • fixed issue when character moved objects locally by pushing (server ignored it)
  • fixed connector still yellow when turned OFF
  • fixed turret rectangle visibility
  • fixed unlocked connectors allowing item transfer
  • fixed rocket launcher not remembering option to use conveyor system
  • fixed crash when locking connectors
  • fixed completed solar panels do not have sun reflection
  • fixed gravity generator model bug
  • fixed landing gear attached to pistons could not be unlocked

Known Issues

  • changing the field of the sensor or loading the game will activate the sensor. This will be changed in the future updates.
  • you can't assign the same sensor action for both entering and exiting the sensor's field

EDIT 09/05/2014:
Update 01.046.014

  • fixed spotlight cone visible during flashing
  • fixed flashing control tooltip text
  • fixed faction screen crash
  • added different icons for action toggle/on/off
  • fixed character crash
  • fixed sensor toolbar sync
  • fixed sensor station detection
  • fixed terminal crash

Version 01.045 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 28 August 2014

Camera block has been added - now you can see what is happening on different locations. Camera rotation and controlling ships through cameras will be added in the coming weeks. Additional workshop tags for mods have been introduced to make the orientation on workshop easier. It is also possible to make better production building mods. Now you can specify what blueprints are available to production building. It's possible to make production chains and production building tiers. As an example there's a new block 'Arc Furnace’, it is specialized building for iron ore refinement. It refines faster than refinery, it's more efficient and cheaper, but cannot refine anything other than iron ore. In addition to these new changes, we have redesigned the easy start 2 map, and rebalanced the cargo ships, adding new space engineers tech to them both. We have also made it possible to create a hostile identity in your world whilst in creative, this will allow people to make maps for others to play through, with the challenge of hostile ships and stations. Finally, render interpolation has been added as well that will make the game experience smoother. It is currently disabled by default since it is not completed 100%, but it can be turned on in video options.


  • Camera block
  • Workshop tags for mods
  • better production building Modding
  • ‘Arc Furnace’ (refinery)
  • Easy start 2 redesign
  • Cargo ship redesigns
  • Add enemy identity


  • improved rendering performance of solar panels
  • improved rendering performance of refinery and assembler
  • fixed hacked block getting shot by own turrets
  • fixed connector’s issue not being able to collect all items
  • fixed ship info screen labels
  • fixed issue that player cannot remove blocks from cockpit hot-bars 2, 3 and 4

Version 01.044 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 21 August 2014

Spherical gravity generator has been added in Space Engineers, as well as new respawn ships and support for modding them. Many multiplayer synchronization issues have been fixed, including rotor, piston and landing gear problems. Also performance has been increased significantly in certain situations.


  • Spherical gravity generator
  • Pre-fab and respawn ship modding
  • New world setting for dedicated server - autosave interval
  • More respawn ships
  • High quality armor textures (on 64-bit version)
  • Export ship/station as prefab (in F11 screen)


  • Improved piston and landing gear stability
  • Fixed piston, rotor and landing gear exploding in MP
  • Fixed large performance issue caused by asteroids
  • Fixed too large piston collision model
  • Fixed issue when loose blocks loosing ownership
  • Fixed death in survival disables chat window
  • Fixed toolbar not remembering functions from attachments
  • Fixed hot-keyed groups reset when using merge blocks
  • Fixed wrong value in Steam-ID on dedicated server
  • Fixed problems with character mods deforming hands or legs of astronaut
  • Fixed graphical glitch when doors were inside other blocks
  • Fixed inertia not preserved when block was unmerged

EDIT 08/22/2014:
Update 01.044.012

  • Fixed crash when splitting ships
  • Fixed crash when status of faction member changed
  • Fixed crash when entering/leaving cockpit
  • Fixed crash on 32-bit caused by loading hi-quality textures (out of memory)
  • Fixed crash when pressed F11 in main menu
  • Fixed crash when switching character in medical room
  • Fixed crash when changing rotor parameters
  • Fixed crash caused by pistons
  • Fixed crash caused by loading invalid definitions from original content or mods
  • Fixed Gravity generator values stuck at maximum regardless of settings

Version 01.043 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 7 August 2014

Now it's possible to remotely access the control panel screen and inventory when the ship/station is in your antenna range. Antenna relay is taken into account. Press open control panel screen to see it (combo box at the top), or press SHIFT+K. New ‘Button Panel’ allows you to assign actions to the panel (like with astronaut toolbar) and then execute these actions by simply pressing the corresponding button on the model in game.

We also added more glass parameters and modding support for custom projectiles, debris models, asteroid materials and armor edges. Last but not least HUD voices are here to warn you of meteor showers, low energy/health, etc.

Guide for transparent materials: [1]


  • Remote terminal access
  • Button panel for ships/stations
  • HUD voice alerts (low energy/health warnings)
  • Extended modding support: custom projectiles, debris models, asteroid materials, armor edges
  • Improved glass rendering and modding (more parameters, smoothness, custom texture, color...)


  • fixed autosave on dedicated servers (few days ago in 042 hotfix)
  • fixed custom transparent material crashing the game
  • fixed impossibility to remove and delete mods in some cases
  • fixed blast door corner inverted collisions
  • fixed pistons disconnecting when ship/station is split in two
  • fixed turrets ignoring decoy blocks
  • fixed cockpit hot-bar names not displaying correctly
  • fixed small ship blast doors preventing placing of other blocks nearby
  • fixed texture of curved conveyor tube
  • fixed sharing with factions
  • fixed surface difficult to walk on
  • fixed dedicated server not creating a world if one is specified in the config
  • fixed missile launcher self-explosions
  • fixed floating objects slowdown
  • fixed wrong saved game timestamp
  • fixed a crash while creating a control panel
  • fixed uranium ingot not traveling through conveyor system
  • fixed crash after placing custom block
  • fixed crash after deleting gravity generator
  • fixed small thrusters damage area
  • fixed spelling mistake when server connection was not available

Update 043.013

  • fixed crash on Windows XP
  • fixed crash in inventory
  • fixed crash caused by missing texture or model
  • fixed crash in join screen
  • fixed refinery and assembler issues
  • fixed cockpit ownership not updated
  • fixed missing HUD voices
  • fixed possible autosave issue on dedicated server
  • fixed MP sync of production blocks and inventory
  • fixed MP sync of floating point objects

Version 01.042 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 7 August 2014

Players can download mods (custom blocks, skyboxes, custom skins) right from Steam Workshop. Mods are per-world; that means that each world can have different mods active. And that’s not all –every client automatically downloads every workshop mod used by server while connecting. As a bonus; we have also added character animations playable from toolbar, small control panel access block, gyroscope override and more catwalk blocks – enjoy!

Warning: in case you have overwritten core game files on your own in the past, please try to delete all local content + verify your game cache files

New Modding Guide –


  • steam workshop mod support and integration
  • automatic mod download when joining multiplayer game
  • moddable thruster glow
  • added new character animations playable from toolbar
  • added control panel access block
  • added gyro override
  • added more types of catwalk blocks
  • added mod debug screen (F11 in single player)


  • fixed invisible and invulnerable cargo ships
  • fixed not hidden HUD tag after switching to third person
  • fixed autosave on dedicated servers
  • fixed player loses ownership one death,save/reload
  • fixed respawn in owned medbay results in permadeath anyway
  • fixed bugged ownership menu
  • fixed toolbar hotkeys (missing options/too many options)
  • fixed disabling "control thrusters" from one cockpit disables the thrusters completely
  • fixed block not available message
  • fixed rotor displacement issues
  • fixed trapped in cockpit, crash on exit
  • fixed cannot create "new ship/station"
  • fixed error when loading a saved world
  • fixed pistons with a drill attached refusing to extend after reload
  • fixed turret sound playing even if turret is OFF
  • fixed overflowing menu for various blocks (turrets, rotors)

Update 01.042.020

  • added support for custom animations in passenger seat!
  • added world border warning to creative
  • fixed color slider
  • fixed piston settings
  • fixed assembler sound issues
  • fixed broken collector
  • fixed catwalk crashes
  • fixed sounds crash
  • fixed automatically activated autolock on landing gears
  • fixed small thruster damaging heavy armor
  • fixed crash when placing new ship/station
  • fixed crash when building motor or piston
  • fixed crash when building
  • fixed mirroring (big thanks to modders!)
  • fixed loading textures from mod root

Version 01.041 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 31 July 2014

Players can now have proper control of their ships while sitting in the cockpit by adding (drag-and-drop) blocks to the toolbar. Activating such block can turn the blocks on/off, reverse rotation of rotors, increase/decrease velocity and many other actions already present in the control panel. No more constant control panel visits, players can now revert one of their many rotors by pressing a single button, lock/unlock single landing gear, turn any block on/off, etc. It's also possible to drag a group of the same blocks to the toolbar. We have also enabled the option to shoot from weapons which are attached on rotors and pistons; players can now build retractable weapons!


  • control blocks through toolbar
  • fire weapons which are attached with rotors and pistons
  • multiple toolbars (switching by dot and comma)
  • re-enabled the save confirmation on leave for autosave worlds


  • reduced network bandwidth for all moving objects
  • reduced idle network bandwidth (when player sits in ship and doing nothing)
  • fixed VSync crash
  • fixed few spelling errors
  • fixed too fragile piston
  • fixed piston copy/paste glitch
  • fixed issue when piston was pasted without top part
  • fixed issue with piston physics
  • fixed pistons functioning without power
  • fixed issue when piston was not working on converted platform
  • fixed crash while adding cargo container under the piston
  • fixed issue when piston’s top part gets separated when platform is merged with ship
  • fixed crash when retracting a chain of pistons at once
  • fixed spamming reverse breaking pistons
  • fixed issue when pressing "No" on exit the world was saved anyway
  • fixed overriding thruster force causes all thrusters facing the same way to fire
  • fixed custom color was not saved after exiting the world
  • fixed cost of recharging battery is called "Sprint"
  • fixed 1x1 wheels popping out after merge
  • fixed explosives not doing damage after explosion on dedicated server
  • fixed rotors floating in the air after client merges two grids
  • fixed turret rectangle is visible when weapons are not enabled in world
  • fixed issue when control panel items were clickable even when they were invisible
  • fixed delete block sound volume was too loud when deleting many blocks with symmetry
  • fixed full batteries still using energy
  • fixed crash when ":" was written into search-box
  • fixed turrets target stuff on when moving

Version 01.040 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 24 July 2014

Pistons have been added in Space Engineers - they can be used to build advanced machinery. Also, faction founders and leaders can now enable auto-approval for new members. Players will now be able to see a notification on HUD when somebody is hacking/grinding their ship (does not apply to armors). Thrusters can be used without cockpit - through the terminal - which enables the option to create missiles with warheads, turret countermeasures, small drones which grind enemy ships by using grinder and other. Blast door blocks has been also added in the game; it's similar to armor, but thinner, so it can slide between two layers of armor (very useful for airtight door and hangar bays).


  • pistons
  • factions: enabled/disabled member auto-approval
  • hacking/breach HUD notification
  • thrusters can work without cockpit - through terminal
  • blast door blocks (4 types, durability will be balanced in the next updates)
  • rotor height adjustment
  • semi-auto mode for battery


  • fixed issue when player could not leave respawn screen
  • fixed large antenna texture bug
  • fixed steering wheels losing sync
  • fixed lags with batteries turned to charging mode
  • fixed few instances of death-loop
  • fixed multiplayer filter issues
  • fixed visible aiming rectangle when turret is of after loading new world
  • fixed issue when placing a new landing gear/station block without resources in survival mode was fully built
  • fixed missing permanent death configuration when starting DS
  • fixed issue with block preview when in 3rd person view

EDIT 07/25/14:
Update 01.040.014

  • fixed two different crashes when exiting from the cockpit
  • fixed crash in toolbar
  • fixed crash with pistons
  • fixed pistons flying away after changing the color
  • fixed crash in asteroids (caused issues when loading a world or starting DS)
  • fixed player cannot move issue
  • fixed issues with mods not loading (there's still problem with model textures)

Version 01.039 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 17 July 2014


Battery block and new power cell component have been added into the game. Communication relay makes now possible for signal to travel through multiple friendly Antennas; enemy signals that reach one antenna are relayed to all friendly players within your antenna network. You can merge ships while pasting in creative mode and we also added client-side saving and permanent death as a world options.

Note: We are still working on new player communication system, it should be added in the future updates.


  • battery block for small and large grids
  • solar panels are now little cheaper and much more efficient
  • communications relay (signal can travel through multiple antennas; you can receive a signal from any distance, broadcasting can be limited by player or by power of the antenna)
  • small ship antenna has now max. range of 5,000 m
  • copy-paste into existing ships
  • new world setting: enable/disable client-side saving
  • new world setting: permanent death can be turned off (client still owns his stuff after respawning in the rescue ship)
  • pressing 'K' can be now used for looting character
  • added antenna to prefab ships


  • improved network performance when removing larger amount of blocks at once
  • fixed crash when creating faction
  • fixed crash when leaving faction
  • fixed mission join request icon
  • fixed turret attacking its own ship
  • fixed issues with respawn
  • fixed turrets fire at ships in junk yard
  • fixed inventory listing as same for all containers
  • fixed Wheel 1x1 falling off after loading a save
  • fixed antenna/beacons too power hungry
  • fixed passenger seat alignment
  • fixed death loops when spawning in tight places
  • fixed no 3rd person view for rescue ship
  • fixed player tag not showing properly when joining dedicated server
  • fixed ownership not remembered by dedicated server after logout
  • fixed memory leaks when app was minimized
  • fixed spectator mode when loading workshop world
  • fixed spotlight symmetry

Version 01.038 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 10 July 2014

Steering wheels and wheel controls have been added in Space Engineers. Players can now build and control vehicles. Every block that is visible in terminal can be now displayed on HUD (set on/off on terminal screen). Also some issues with Factions have been resolved (see the list below for more details).

Note: wheels in multi-player are still work-in-progress and some things might not be functioning properly


  • steering wheels (sounds are placeholders – wheels in multi-player are still WIP)
  • wheel controls (WSAD)
  • adjustable welder and grinder speed (in world settings)
  • name and location of blocks visible in terminal can be shown on HUD
  • new inventory filter (hide empty inventories)
  • join game search box
  • hacking computers is a bit slower (grinding block of non-friend is slower by factor of 3)


  • fixed some Factions issues (turrets shooting on it's own ship, non-changeable ownership)
  • reduced network bandwidth during line/plane building
  • fixed beacon range and visibility
  • fixed issue when beacon broadcast was killing the server
  • fixed issue when antenna was working without power
  • fixed red circle after re-spawn
  • fixed beacon broadcast distance does not save
  • fixed old save files have no ownership

Version 01.037 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 3 July 2014

Factions are now available in Space Engineers. Players can create and join factions, determine ownership of blocks and manage the relations between them (hostile/ally). Block ownership is determined by computers, so if players want to take over hostile blocks, they will have to replace the computers that are in these blocks. Ownership can be transferred manually by the owner. Blocks can be shared within faction members or everyone.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Factions are still Work-in-Progress and this is only the first update. There are still many things to be added during the next weeks (eg. chat and communication) and some bugs/issues are yet to be fixed. We decided to release it now so we can get the best feedback possible from the players.


  • factions
  • ownership of blocks
  • hacking/take-over of hostile objects
  • block sharing
  • looting dead engineer
  • copy/paste: rotate object before pasting


  • fixed mirroring planes not visible
  • fixed extreme lag issues in some worlds
  • fixed issue with having access to control panel from passenger seat
  • fixed wrong highlight on door model
  • fixed missing dialog box in main menu and pause screen
  • fixed dedicated server issue: clean exit with save not working
  • fixed issue with NPC ships not de-spawning
  • fixed world name file folders aren't updating with "Save As" feature
  • fixed crashes and asteroid physics
  • fixed issue when connecting via connector deletes grouping
  • fixed copy+paste option for dedicated server setup
  • fixed missing thruster effect
  • fixed weird character animations with tools & cube placement

EDIT 07/04/2014:

Update 01.037.014

  • removed computer component from large ship thrusters
  • removed computer component from conveyors (so turret won't attack it)
  • fixed crash when server selects all objects on the grid and sets "Me" as owner and "share with my faction"
  • fixed cannot save issue after cargo ship permissions changes
  • fixed crash in factions after changing faction properties or members
  • fixed crash when closing faction screen
  • fixed crash when mining asteroid
  • fixed crash when switching character’s light
  • fixed crash when client canceled join request or joined other faction
  • fixed crash when character was shooting when died
  • fixed crash caused by selecting empty space in ownership (there are no empty options in ownership drop down menu)
  • fixed crash when client was trying to join a faction multiple times
  • fixed server steals all ownership

Version 01.036 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 26 June 2014

The conveyor-connector system is now fully functional. It can be used to connect two ships, share electricity, give access to control panel and transfer items. Also players can now set custom color to the astronaut’s suit.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Avast is reporting a virus in SpaceEngineer.exe in the last update (01.036). It's 100% a false positive, you can add that file to exceptions/mark as a save file.


  • conveyor-connector system is fully functional
  • set custom color to astronaut’s suit
  • passenger seat
  • copy-paste the grids which are connected through rotors
  • items ejected from the ejector now inherit velocity


  • fixed weird/purple colors (especially visible on asteroids)
  • fixed hand drill issue
  • fixed clustered cargo ships in MP consuming server memory causing high ping
  • fixed control groups after merging/splitting
  • fixed issue with merge block causing CTD and stops Dedicated Server
  • fixed issue when switching while in load screen by using ALT-TAB and load worlds list stays blank
  • fixed issue when connectors could not connect if mounted to the same ship
  • fixed crash when merging small ships
  • fixed pink textures on asteroids
  • fixed dedicated server crash when socket is already in use
  • fixed few instances where mining is not working
  • fixed some symmetry is off (Cockpit 3 Large, Cockpit 1 Small.)

Version 01.035 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 19 June 2014

Electricity is now being transmitted through rotors (inter-grid electricity and communications relaying). We've also added new world settings (automatic trash removal, limit world’s size) that will help players to manage the increasing number of objects in the world - useful especially for dedicated servers.


  • electricity is now being transmitted through rotors (inter-grid electricity and communications relaying)
  • “center of mass” indicator (enabled in terminal screen: Info panel)
  • moved some of the world settings to the new “advanced settings” screen
  • new world settings: automatic removal of respawn ships
  • new world settings: automatic trash removal
  • new world settings: world size limit
  • ban on player’s screen (F3) for dedicated server
  • improved landing gear (setting break force, auto-lock feature)


  • fixed crashes caused by landing gears, rotors and merge blocks
  • fixed crashes when character was walking near asteroids
  • fixed toolbar issues (drag and copy, right click, double click)
  • fixed crash when creating Crashed Ship scenario
  • fixed frozen cube builder preview
  • fixed auto-submit log after game crash

EDIT 06/20/14:

Update 01.035.009

  • fixed landing gear auto-lock crash
  • fixed issues during and after merging platform/ship (crash after pressing Y, kicked from cockpit, can't pilot merged ship, etc)
  • fixed crash when loading various old worlds
  • fixed crash when drilling
  • fixed various control group issues (more fixes to follow)
  • fixed recharging energy for newly build cockpits/medbays
  • fixed custom game setup not remembering the chosen number of asteroids in the world

Version 01.034 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 12 June 2014

Players can now change the color of their space suit. Also, added large ship drills, spectator mode and more options for running the dedicated servers.

We have reverted the multiplayer code to the previous version and more improvements will come in the upcoming weeks.


  • space suit color selection (in medical room)
  • large ship drills
  • added spectator mode
  • added borderless window option
  • more options for running dedicated server (configurable data path in command line)
  • improved Cockpit mount points
  • added the option to take anything from conveyor system by double-clicking


  • reverted to previous multiplayer code (improvements will come)
  • fixed landing gear white color
  • fixed cargo ships not de-spawning
  • fixed issue with players’ name displayed as "Unknown"
  • fixed issue when tools constantly deplete suit’s energy after the task is finished
  • fixed merge block shifting when two ships were connected
  • fixed Flight Seat does not need any displays to be functional
  • fixed issue with screenshots taken during auto-save
  • fixed issue with broken workshop thumbnails
  • fixed warning when switching from creative 1x to survival 1x
  • fixed ship drill being too fragile
  • fixed changing toolbar while constructing
  • few animation fixes (character without gravity or jetpack, character sitting in a cockpit)
  • fixed issue with ejector being functional when it was placed on large doors
  • fixed grammatical translation errors (multiple errors on words, sentences & quotes in US English Version)

Spectator mode:
Can be enabled in world settings
F6 - return to regular mode
F7 - tracking camera, controlling object
F8 - free camera, controlling camera (this is true spectator)
F9 - free camera, controlling object

Dedicated server:
SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe -noconsole -path "D:\Whatever\Something"

  • noconsole: will run without black console window
  • path: will load config and store all files in path specified ("D:\Whatever\Something" in example)

taskkill /IM SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe
this will stop dedicated server correctly, saving the world etc
to stop it immediately add argument "/f", that will kill server without asking to stop and without saving the world

EDIT 06/13/14:

Update 01.034.009

  • added error message when starting dedicated server and listen port is already used
  • fixed crash in inventory
  • fixed crashes caused by conveyor
  • fixed irreparable blocks
  • fixed broken sounds
  • fixed crash during shader recompilation (custom skybox crashed the game)
  • fixed crash during startup when invalid prefab found
  • fixed collision model on large drill head
  • fixed 2x3 glass mirroring

Version 01.033 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 5 June 2014

Players are now able to permanently merge ships and stations of the same block size by using the merge block which is responsible for proper alignment. When a ship is merged with a station, ship becomes the station. Stations can be now converted to ships, but the blocks which are partially inside asteroids will get damaged or destroyed.

Also, we have redesigned and upgraded our multi-player code. This results in a more stable multi-player with less lag. This is important especially for rotors, wheels and similar objects.


  • Merge Block
  • conversion of station to ship
  • news box in main menu
  • colorable cockpit
  • added “number of servers” to join screen


  • redesigned and upgraded multi-player code
  • fixed issues with character in cockpit
  • fixed group checking on server
  • fixed indestructible decoys on dedicated servers
  • fixed warheads staying after being destroyed on dedicated servers
  • fixed issue with small ship gatling guns not connecting to conveyor system
  • fixed loading screen time
  • fixed turret targeting lag
  • fixed material resources not being displayed
  • fixed angled glass bleeding through
  • fixed issue with asteroids being transparent from various angles
  • fixed issues with medical rooms not working

Update 01.033.007

  • fixed white lines

EDIT 06/06/2014
Update 01.033.010

  • increased the allowed distance of spawn from 10 km to 50 km
  • fixed the merge block misalignment issues when merging long ships

Version 01.032 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 29 May 2014

Dedicated servers are now available in Space Engineers. Dedicated servers allow players to connect to a third party host, rather than using a player-host, in a peer-to-peer set-up. This feature will result to a faster connection and a more fluent multiplayer performance with less lag.

This is the first (preliminary) release of the dedicated servers and you may experience various difficulties and technical issues. We decided to release this feature in this state and test it together with your help and your feedback. We guarantee that we will do our best to solve any issues that might appear within days after this update.


  • dedicated servers
  • ship info in terminal screen (e.g. Triangles – number of render triangles on your ship/station, so you can estimate how will you ship impact the performance/FPS. Higher the number of triangles, more GPU power is required.)


  • optimized conveyor tube glass rendering
  • reduced lag caused by new players joining the game in multiplayer
  • reduced lag caused by spawning cargo ship in multiplayer

Dedicated Server Guide:
Marek's blog-post about Dedicated Servers and Multiplayer:

How to join

  • open Steam Server browser
  • click filters and choose "Space Engineers"
  • double click one of server in list

How to install & run

  • extract SteamApps/Common/SpaceEngineers/Tools/ anywhere you want
  • run DedicatedServer64/SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe, screen will appear
  • if you want to run as console (black screen with letters), double click "Local / Console"
  • if you want to run as service, click "Add new instance", fill the info and confirm, then double click the item you've just added
  • configuration screen will open, you can setup many things here, after doing so, press "Save and start"
  • if you're not running as console, now you can go back and configure another instance (be sure to choose different Server Port) or close the screen
  • to make the game visible in Steam Server Browser or in-game browser, you have to forward/open UDP port, this port is referred as "Server Port"

Saves, config, logfile

  • when running as console, data is stored in C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineersDedicated\Default
  • when running as service, data is stored in C:\ProgramData\SpaceEngineersDedicated\{InstanceName}

Version 01.031 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 22 May 2014

Welder and grinder are now available on both small and large ships (stations too). A larger type of conveyor is now available for small ships; this allows them to transfer all kinds of components and items.


  • large ship welder
  • small ship welder and grinder
  • new larger conveyors for small ships (able to transport every item)
  • large cargo container on small ship has now large doors
  • connector and ejector won't throw items when the area in front of them is blocked by too many objects (fixes performance issues with many small objects on pile)
  • new models for thrusters and wheels
  • connector inventory can be accessed by door

The following items will fit inside the small tubes, others will need large tubes. The rule is simple (although it might change in the future) - items that have any of their dimensions larger than 25cm will need large tubes.

Small items:
Ores and ingots,
Construction component,
Reactor component,
Thruster component,
Rifle ammo,
Gatling gun ammo


  • fixed memory leaks caused by audio
  • fixed issue when opening workshop from the main menu
  • fixed assault rifle sound during ALT+TAB
  • fixed issues with character remaining visible in cockpit after leaving
  • fixed missile exploding without a cause
  • fixed multiplayer client dying when drilling

EDIT: 05/23/14

Update 01.031.012

  • fixed issue when placing rotor in survival mode
  • fixed issue when building a block used more resources than it should
  • fixed landing gear not detached when the surface under it is destroyed
  • fixed crashes caused by loading corrupted saves
  • fixed crash during drag-and-drop in production screen

Version 01.030 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 15 May 2014

We have added missile turrets and curved conveyor tube. Also we have redesigned the default ships and the starting platform in order to be used more effectively for the new features.

Turrets can target all moving objects; cargo ships use turrets as defense systems, including the new missile turret. Projectile weapons and small ship cockpits were re-balanced, enjoy dogfights!


  • added missile turrets
  • added curved conveyor tube
  • redesigned default ships (blue, red, cargo, respawn) and starting platform in order to be used for new features
  • small ship cockpit is more durable and also more expensive (increased the number of bullet-proof glass from 5 to 30)
  • balanced damage of projectile weapons/turrets – now everything does 4x more damage
  • turret targeting can be changed in control panel, all moving objects can be set as targets
  • player can switch between gun fire modes by using the middle mouse button (it's possible to fire from just one missile launcher)


  • fixed memory leaks (caused by audio)
  • fixed slowdowns near asteroids
  • fixed minor audio issues
  • fixed minor conveyor issues (energy usage)
  • fixed crash during painting
  • fixed crash when client dies inside cockpit
  • fixed missile launchers consuming ammo in creative mode

Version 01.029 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 8 May 2014

Added the option of grouping items in the Control Panel - it helps you to control and manage multiple items and objects with only one click. Also added the “reverse” button for rotors and landing gears in the Control Panel.

We also want to inform you that in the present we are focusing mostly on bug-fixing and stabilizing.


  • grouping items in Control Panel (this is a first work-in-progress version, keybinding will come later)
  • pause indicator is now visible in the Control Panel screen
  • added landing gear in Control Panel
  • added 'reverse' button to rotors in Control Panel (changes rotor direction)


  • fixed drill damage to character done twice (multiplayer)
  • fixed sounds when placing ship grinder
  • fixed weapons and tools in multiplayer
  • fixed mirroring issues with new blocks
  • improved explosions performance on ships and station
  • fixed turret particle effect visible when turret was not shooting
  • fixed Mod tools (mwmbuilder.exe)

How to use grouping:

  1. ) Select the items you want to group (use SHIFT and CTRL as in windows explorer)
  2. ) Add the name on the right part of the screen
  3. ) Press “Save”

Groups are visible on the top of the list with asterisks *Group*

How to add/remove items:

  1. ) Click on the group
  2. ) Use CTRL to add/remove items
  3. ) Click “Save” (group will be overwritten)

Note: when you change the name first and then click “Save”, you'll create a new group

Landing gear in terminal:

  • Landing gear is now featured in Control Panel
  • You can group them and switch them separately
  • Landing gear can now be disabled (it will stay locked/unlocked but unable to change state). This is useful when you don't want to switch all the landing gears by using 'P' key

Update 01.029.009

  • Added information about landing gear state to Control Panel


  • Fixed crash in cockpit
  • Disabled toolbar item can no longer be selected
  • Grinder can now grind the station
  • Fixed problem with changing game options
  • Cube builder is now not visible when you are using tools

Version 01.028 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 1 May 2014

Added the grinder for large ships - it helps you to disassemble blocks faster and in a much larger amount comparing to the hand-grinder. We have also added the option to adjust the gyro force - useful for ships made by a small number of blocks.


  • large ship grinder – disassemble blocks faster and in larger amount
  • gyro force can be adjusted (useful for small sized ships)
  • decreased the durability of the glass blocks
  • pause button is now configurable in options
  • silicon is now refined 2x faster
  • large ship missile launcher cost increased


  • fixed ALT+TAB game crashes (happened mostly when in fullscreen)
  • fixed items with zero amount
  • fixed game hang-up caused by items with zero amount
  • fixed thruster destroying block with 99% integrity left
  • fixed music issues
  • fixed turret animation on clients
  • fixed leaving invisible wall after grinding the door

Version 01.027 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 24 April 2014

We have added wheels (so you can build vehicles), missile launcher for large ships and platforms, functional turrets (gatling and interior; used as defense mechanism) and decoy block which can be used as aiming target for the turrets. We also added the pause button in offline mode.


  • wheels - use them with rotors and artificial mass to build vehicles
  • automatic turrets – gatling and interior turrets are now functional. They aim automatically and can destroy meteorites, decoys and anything that is connected to the decoy. They can be used mostly as defense mechanism and not for shooting other players, but if a decoy is placed inside a space ship or space station, the turrets will shoot and damage it
  • decoy block – they are used as aiming targets for turrets; they don’t require electricity to function
  • missile launcher block for large ships and platforms
  • added Pause button (pause/break) in offline mode – now when you open the inventory in the offline mode, the game does not pause by itself (as it was until now by default) but keeps running. In order to do so you must do it manually by pressing the Pause button
  • collector, connector and conveyor systems now require power (electricity) in order to function


  • memory peak after load (32-bit system)
  • fixed sprinting and running sounds disappear
  • fixed hand animation when adding/removing objects in creative mode
  • fixed few crashes and game not starting issues
  • fixed launch issues on cards without HDR support
  • fixed assembler sounds
  • fixed custom names

The graphics card problem that occurred to some players who were running the game on notebooks with integrated GPUs (Optimus issue) has been resolved. NVidia has included the profile for Space Engineers in their latest drivers so if you experience this issue, please update your NVidia drivers to the latest version and then go to settings and check the option to run Space Engineers on the NVidia card.

EDIT (4/28/2014):
Update 01.027.010

  • fixed issue when large ship moved/rotated after it was hit by the character (generally known as ship bumping issue)

Version 01.026 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 17 April 2014

Conveyors are now available in Space Engineers! This is the first WIP version and a realistic and more complete version will be added later. With the conveyors system you will be able to collect and transport inventory items from one location to another. We have also added the collector – helps you to collect small objects - and the connector – helps you to throw items from inventory to space.


  • conveyor tube - move items from inventory to inventory (IMPORTANT: this is just a first work-in-progress version and a realistic version will be added later)
  • collector block - can collect small objects (ore, ingots, components, tools...) into inventory (IMPORTANT: this is just a first work-in-progress version and a realistic version will be added later)
  • connector block - first work in progress version, can throw items from inventory to space, in future update could be used to connect two ships/stations and transfer items (IMPORTANT: this is just a first work-in-progress version and a realistic version will be added later)
  • server connectivity status notification

NOTE: the assembler can now "see" all materials in the conveyor system and can use them. It does not gather the material automatically (for now - WIP), so you don't need to transfer them manually


  • removed lag caused by texture load when opening Toolbar config screen for the first time
  • fixed beacon shining when it was out of power
  • fixed join game screen which was cleared after alt-tab, but not refreshed
  • improved 3rd person camera performance
  • fixed disabled anti-aliasing

Update 01.026.014 (04/18/14):

  • fixed crash when loading not fully built connector
  • fixed throwing items out by multiple connectors (some items were not thrown)

Version 01.025 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 10 April 2014

Update 01.025 has been released. We have added new glass window blocks, artificial mass block and two new types of large ship cockpits. Also, we have reduced the meteor velocity and made the rendering and game-updating independent which helps to increase the performance and removes FPS limit.


  • glass window blocks
  • two new types of large ship cockpits - can be used in first and third person view
  • artificial mass block – can be used to add gravity-affected mass to ships, useful in machine ships or cars
  • toolbar config screen: list of building blocks is scrollable
  • save game is executed on background
  • reduced meteor velocity
  • rendering and game-updating are now independent (increased performance, removed FPS limit) --- this is a first step in our performance enhancements initiative


  • fixed lag caused by 3rd person camera
  • fixed startup issues caused by FIPS policy enforcement in registry
  • fixed issues with copying cargo ships
  • fixed medbay sounds
  • fixed painting without preview in survival

Update 01.025.015:

  • fixed the unsupported graphics card issue (Please update the game - restart steam in case there is no auto update)

Update 01.025.018 (04/11/2014):

  • reduced CPU usage (should help lags/slowdown/slow controls - this is not 100% tested yet, so it might not work for all players)
  • fixed crash when splitting large amount of items in inventory
  • added detailed statistics into SHIFT+F11 screen

Update 01.025.020 (04/11/2014):

  • fixed performance issues caused by 3rd person camera
  • fixed server can not interact with objects in 3rd person camera
  • fixed windows tint
  • fixed performance issues caused by Audio

Update 01.025.021 (04/11/2014):

  • fixed performance issues caused by Audio

Version 01.024 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 3 April 2014

Update 01.024 - It’s raining meteorites in Space Engineers!

In this update, we have added environmental hazards – meteor storms (safe, normal, cataclysm, Armageddon). You should find ways to protect your character and your creations. Also, you can now apply colors on more types of blocks and disable crosshair. We also made game fonts more legible.


  • environmental hazards – protect your character and your creations from meteor storms (Safe, Normal, Cataclysm, Armageddon)
  • more types of blocks can be colored (large and small ship thrusters, antenna, pillar, catwalk, stairs, ore detector, passage, windows, door - except the moving parts which is temporary not possible)
  • crosshair can be disabled in Game Options
  • game fonts are now more legible


  • fixed character leaving the cockpit when it's destroyed
  • fixed music issue in main menu

EDIT 04/04/14: version 01.024.011

  • fixed quickstart (it was launching Survival instead of Creative)

Version 01.023 Major


Release Date: 27 May 2014

Update 01.023 has been released.

We have added cargo ships - auto-piloted vessels (miners, freighters and military) that carry ore, ingots, constructions components and other materials from sector to sector. They can be looted but beware, they often contain booby traps! Also, we changed the priority of how devices consume power (solar panels first, then nuclear reactors). We have also increased the max speed of astronaut character to 111.5 m/s and added support for surround sound systems.

Multi-player: we are working on an improved multi-player code where all known issues should get resolved (reduced lag, predictions, variable time step, etc.). We are aware that some of you are experiencing various issues in multiplayer. We expect that this new code will be ready in a few weeks.


  • added cargo ships - auto-piloted vessels (miners, freighters and military) that carry ore, ingots, constructions components and other materials from sector to sector. They can be looted but beware, they often contain booby traps!
  • changed the priority of how devices consume power (solar panels first, then nuclear reactors)
  • increased the max speed of astronaut character to 111.5 m/s – this speed is higher than the max speed of ships (players are now able to catch up ships flying at max speed)
  • silver refinement is 4x faster (used in reactor and medical components)
  • added support for surround sound systems


  • fixed small thrust damaging large heavy armor
  • fixed sound when exiting world
  • fixed landing gear weird sound
  • fixed crash in Character movement
  • fixed issue when placing a block next to a door
  • fixed issue when the player can join incompatible version using invite
  • fixed death after load when the player is in narrow corridors
  • fixed broken mirroring of solar panels
  • fixed wrong collision model of ship drill after deformations
  • fixed painting without preview
  • replaced some non-localizable texts with localizable
  • fixed crash caused by particle effect
  • fixed landing gear green light after landing gear was turned off
  • fixed toolbar issues and slot activation/deactivation
  • fixed player death in cockpit hit by warhead
  • fixed crash in Gravity Generator
  • fixed rare infinite loading caused by refinery
  • fixed issues with large weapons on toolbar
  • fixed stuck character after leaving cockpit [version 01.023.013]
EDIT: Update version 01.023.014:
  • fixed update of power in solar panel
  • fixed join game using invite
  • fixed crash when using tools or weapons obtained from cargo ships

Version 01.022 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 20 March 2014

We have added solar panels (they seem like an important thing for you). The amount of available uranium has been increased. There are more detailed survival mode options in the world settings. Thrusters can now deal damage to objects.


  • added solar panels (energy production depends on the amount of light they catch from the sun – which depends on the angle and clear visibility to the sun)
  • world generator spawns more uranium
  • inventory size can now be edited in world settings
  • assembler efficiency can now be edited in world settings
  • refinery speed can now be edited in world settings
  • thrusters now deal damage to objects, except:
    • small ship thrusters that don’t damage heavy armor blocks (so you can build landing platforms)
    • asteroids
  • more detailed production screen in assembler
    • all components and blocks which you don't have ingots for are now shown in red
    • players can see the amount of required ingots to create a component or a tool
    • “Disassemble all” button that allows you to easily convert all components inside the assembler back into ingots
    • new queue shortcuts: ctrl+click (add 10), shift+click (add 100)
  • increased character’s damage after falling from heights (3 blocks: 32% damage, 4 blocks: 72% damage, 5 blocks and more: 100% damage = instant death)
  • red overlay is shown when the player runs low on health level
  • increased the uranium refinement speed by 20%
  • auto-save is now disabled on multiplayer clients
  • added tooltips to join game screen
  • increased damage done by drill to blocks
  • changed red injury-overlay texture to a less gore version


  • fixed client ore mining (client received less ore than server)
  • fixed copy-paste of stations
  • fixed uranium consumption in Multiplayer
  • fixed thruster "flame" in Multiplayer
  • fixed disappearing crosshair
  • fixed unit display in refinery and assembler
  • fixed production screen which does not react to name changes
  • fixed join screen text alignment
  • fixed suicide dialog which was shown when the player dies
  • fixed client can't see repairs done by server
  • fixed out of ammo notification during sprint
Edit 03/21/14:
  • thrusters' damage can now be turned off in world setting
  • reduced Solar Cell cost by approx. 80%
  • fixed refinery speed
  • fixed crash in inventory transfers

Version 01.021.024 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 13 March 2014

Update 01.021.024 has been released. Survival mode is now available in Space Engineers! (This is the first "Survival mode" update and you may experience a number of bugs which will be fixed within the next updates). We have also changed the way you start building a small ship. Now you can start by placing a landing gear which can be attached to any surface - instead of a light armor block cube which was before. Also, we have added some new game scenarios, new music and sounds and tons of new features related to the Survival mode.

You can find more details about the "Survival mode" update on Marek's latest blog post: [2]


  • survival mode (manual building, death, re-spawn)
  • new game scenarios: Crashed Red Ship, Two Platforms, Lone Survivor, Asteroids
  • ore detector block
  • ore detector in hand drill
  • new custom world screen
  • new assembler screen
  • world generator change: most asteroids have iron core
  • assembler can be switched to disassembling mode
  • new assembler production queue hotkeys: Ctrl+click (adds stack of 10) and Shift+click (adds stack of 100)
  • placing new ship block - now you can place a landing gear which can be attached to any surface instead of a light armor block cube
  • reduced electricity production and consumption
  • reduced uranium consumption
  • reduced available uranium after starting a new game
  • block info in Cube Builder screen and when placing a new block in Survival
  • explosives component
  • new music and sounds
  • changed tools animations
  • floating objects can be destroyed
  • HUD is now more legible
  • balanced materials required for assembling components
  • changed mass and volume of some components and tools
  • changed ore and ingot display unit from volume to mass
  • Join game screen (contains a list of games which the player can join)
  • game runs in window mode when it is unable to run in full screen
  • character can now walk on a ship when it’s flying in max speed
  • inventory names now show the name of the block

New sounds

  • assembler (idle, processing)
  • door
  • gravity generator
  • medical room (idle, healing)
  • refinery (idle, processing)
  • reactor
  • rotor
  • landing gear
  • grinder and welder
  • construction and deconstruction sounds for survival
  • HUD failure (inventory full, not enough material)


  • improved explosion performance
  • improved 3rd person camera performance
  • fixed symmetry mode
  • fixed few sounds
  • fixed friend games in join game screen
  • fixed ore movement
  • fixed crash when creating particle effect
  • fixed crash when using symmetry mode
  • fixed few typing errors
  • fixed chat and gravity window overlapping
  • fixed crashes in landing gears
  • fixed color/texture of ore
  • fixed copy/paste issues
  • fixed small ship drill blind spot
  • fixed doors spinning on rotors
  • fixed passage collision model
  • fixed asteroid collision shape in large worlds
  • fixed landing gear synchronization in MP
  • reduced number of additional asteroids in Easy Start 2
  • fixed character's backpack in MP
New update 01.021.029 (03/14/14)
  • added character's inventory volume to HUD
  • minor change in the scenarios' order
  • changed blood texture
  • fixed crash in mouse input
  • fixed crash in production queue
  • fixed crash in drag-and-drop
  • fixed crash during new ship placement
  • fixed crash when picking up tool/weapon of previously killed character
  • fixed crash during character's movement
  • fixed crash with too many particle effects
  • fixed issue when multi-player client can move with large ship
  • fixed refinery sound
  • fixed shooting crash
  • fixed large reactor indicators
  • fixed passage collision model
  • fixed levitating things in gravity
  • fixed rotor in survival mode
  • fixed disappearing things in cargo containers
  • fixed tools particle effects not disappearing
  • fixed large cargo container collision model
  • fixed multi-player synchronization of cargo containers and other blocks
  • fixed crash during building in creative

Version 01.020.005 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 3 March 2014

Update 01.020.005 has been released. We have synchronized small floating objects in Multi-Player, implemented new sounds and added the option to send items automatically from the Refinery to the Assembler when they are built next to each other and share a conveyor door.


  • synchronized small floating objects in Multi-Player
  • refinery sends items into the assembler when it’s built next to it and shares a conveyor door
  • added new sounds: player movements, assembler, refinery. Full list below (Work in progress, sounds are likely to change in the following weeks)
  • power output is now visible in the reactor’s control panel
  • shadow rendering optimization for distant shadows
  • increased the size of the slider in the control panel
  • improved animations of the assault rifle in hands

New sounds:

  • HUD sounds
  • player movements (run, sprint, crouch, iron sight, jetpack)
  • player rifle shoot
  • player drill
  • small ship drill
  • player rifle bullet impacts (one sound per surface type)
  • assembler, refinery

Existing sounds:

  • small ship Gatling
  • small ship missile launcher
  • small ship missile launch
  • missile flight
  • small ship Gatling bullets impacts (one sound per surface type)
  • small ship small missile explosion (one sound per surface type)


  • fixed big performance issue
  • fixed character bouncing
  • fixed collision model for cargo container
  • fixed drilling with hand drill, sometimes it won't drill even when in collision with an asteroid
  • fixed black screen during start-up
  • fixed deleting rotors
  • fixed crash in cockpit
  • fixed start-up issue caused by missing windows update
  • fixed floating object picking in Multi-Player
  • fixed synchronization of uncontrolled ships
  • fixed sound crashes
  • better visibility test for player name tag

Version 01.019.013 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 24 Feb 2014

Update 01.019.010 has been released. We have implemented the synchronization of inventory in Multiplayer, added the name tag above the player’s character and the option to disable the headbob.


  • inventory synchronization in Multiplayer
  • player’s name tag above character (will be replaced later by correct radio visibility with ID)
  • game option: disable headbob
  • added more space in G screen for modders
  • added more sounds
  • asteroids are now visible from a larger distance


  • fixed door animation (instant closing in some cases)
  • fixed shadow stripes visible with some FOV settings
  • fixed sound fade-out for looping sounds

Update 01.019.012

  • fixed shadow not rendered bug
  • fixed teleporting ship in distance larger than 10 km from center
  • fixed small cargo container inventory highlight

Update 01.019.013

  • fixed deleting character in cockpit using CTRL+X

Version 01.018.021 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 17 Feb 2014

Update 01.018.021 has been released. You can now create custom colors for blocks, change the gravity generator’s range settings and rename most of the objects that are available on the Control Panel (gyroscope, refinery, etc.).

We have also synchronized the ship systems in multiplayer and added a construction deck (magnetic deck) on the platform when starting a new game (world).


  • create custom colors for blocks (default by P key, SHIFT+P is color picker)
  • configurable range of gravity generator
  • multiplayer synchronization of ship systems - Lights, spotlight, motors, landing gears and the other functional blocks that can be used on ships are now synchronized
  • rename most of the objects that are available on the Control Panel (gyroscope, refinery, etc.)
  • added a construction deck (magnetic deck) on the platform when starting a new game (world)
  • added a second (back) entrance to small ship cockpit
  • renamed thrusts to thrusters
  • renamed reflector light to spotlight
  • added passage block (replaces the ladder block)


  • minor performance optimizations
  • fixed slowdown on some systems caused by timer frequency
  • fixed explosion lags
  • fixed explosion particle effect
  • fixed projectile damage dealt to heavy armor (now it's more durable)
  • fixed physical shape of drill
  • fixed missiles ghosting through ship which launched it
  • fixed mirroring of some blocks
  • reduced memory usage when building blocks

Update 01.018.023

  • fixed issue when using CTRL+X on object which is controlled by another player
  • fixed crash when copy/pasting station

Version 01.017.010 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 4 Feb 2014

Update 01.017.010 has been released. We have added the multiplayer chat and rebalanced the Heavy Armor strength so now it can sustain a much larger amount of damage comparing to the Light Armor. Also added ammo models and icons and the option to disable the weapons in multiplayer mode.


  • multi-player chat added (press Enter to write, another Enter to send)
  • heavy armor resistance. In the previous update we added heavy armor, but its resistance when compared to light armor wasn't large enough. This update rebalanced heavy armor strength and now it can sustain a lot more damage (missile explosions, bullet impacts, collisions, warhead explosion). Try it!
  • ammo models and icons
  • when pasting, CTRL + mouse wheel can be used to move paste position closer/further
  • option to disable multiplayer weapons
  • ladders have been replaced with passage blocks due to complicated implementation of the climbing in various gravity settings. Now, you can create passages either horizontaly or verticaly and fly or walk through by using your jetpack.


  • fixed velocity of rotating blocks when split
  • rewritten toolbar, now saved with world
  • fixed missile collision damaged blocks (sometimes it went through)
  • fixed open/close door issue
  • fixed cube building gizmo
  • fixed pasting active drill
  • fixed 3rd person camera rotation

Update 01.017.011

  • fixed player count slider in player screen (F3)

Update 01.017.012

  • fixed Gatling guns shooting itself
  • fixed negative rotation torque
  • fixed rare crash in copy-paste
  • fixed rare exit cockpit crash
  • fixed start-up issues with missing Tahoma font

Version 01.016.003 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 28 Jan 2014

Update 01.016.003 has been released. We've fixed many multiplayer issues and added the heavy armor. Damage done by the bullets will be reduced in the upcoming updates.

There's one possible slowdown fix, but we cannot confirm it at this time.

We wanted to note that the heavy armor's strength isn't much different than the light armor at the moment. This of course will change in the following update and heavy and light armor will differ as they should.


  • heavy armor


  • improved multiplayer performance
  • reduced multiplayer explosion lags
  • reduced multiplayer gatling lags
  • reduced multiplayer destruction lags
  • fixed performance issues caused by character
  • fixed crash during building
  • fixed crash when joining the game failed
  • fixed unbreakable objects

Update 01.016.006

  • fixed crash when loading list of worlds
  • fixed crash in character rendering
  • improved multiplayer performance even more
  • fixed character kickback force issue in multiplayer

Version 01.015.013 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 16 Jan 2014

We have added the first update of the multiplayer mode. We have also added the Russian language and increased the magnetic force on landing gears.

Note, Update 01.015.014: We are working on fixing the lag and server connection issues. Parts of these have been fixed already with the new update version 01.015.014, but there are still many causes that create these issues. We are working constantly on fixing them as well but they will require more time.

Note, Update 01.015.015: We're currently working on fixing the remaining join world issues.

Note, Copy/Paste: We have also made a change to the copy/paste function in Space Engineers. Now it is set by default to “disabled” and in order to use it you have to go to the world settings and enable it.

Important info about the multiplayer: The first multi-player update in Space Engineers. This is just an Alpha of an Alpha and not all data is synchronized across the network. We decided to make it available now, even if it is not 100% ready so we can test it together with the Community. This update is mostly about the creative mode on multiplayer and not for battling with other players. There are still issues when weapons are used to cause a mass destruction. As always, we would appreciate your feedback.


  • multiplayer (creative mode)
  • landing gear magnetic force increased
  • crosshair for small ship weapons
  • improved performance
  • added Russian language

Fixes: Update 01.015.013:

  • fixed audio issues
  • fixed rare crash in drag and drop
  • fixed custom collision shapes
  • fixed placing of some objects (small ship weapons)
  • fixed moving doors

Update 01.015.015:

  • Fixed many synchronization issues
  • Fixed many join world issues
  • Reduced lags in many situations: destruction, shooting, character movement, other
  • Player count can be configured in World Settings

Update 01.015.016:

  • Fixed few character issues
  • Fixed show compatible version checkbox in join game

Version 01.014.010 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 9 Jan 2014

We have updated the world generator, now all ore types are available, but many deposits are hidden inside the asteroids under the rock surface. We also, added parameters in the control panel for lights and drill. Doors can now be opened/closed.

Info about the updated world generator: When creating a new world, all types of ore are available. The types of ore are: stone, iron, nickel, cobalt, magnesium, silicon, silver, gold, platinum, uranium, ice and can be found under the rock surface of the asteroids. Some deposits of ore may be more visible but some may be hidden. We have also added a new world scenario which is available only for the 64-bit version and it contains more asteroids.


  • updated world generator
  • doors are now functional
  • drill can be turned on/off in the control panel
  • added light parameters in the control panel
  • gatling guns can now rotate
  • added new large world scenario (64-bit only)
  • moddable collision shapes (guide)


  • obsolete sound engine XACT replaced with XAudio2
  • fixed toolbar issues
  • fixed issues with character and equipped drill
  • fixed performance issue with many items/ore in scene

Version 01.013.007 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 2 Jan 2014

We have enabled the refinery and the assembler. The refinery can he used to refine the ore that you have mined and create ingots which can be used later in the assembler in order to craft new components.

At the moment, every world has only a few types of ore available for mining. To gain more types of ore, search in cargo boxes. Everyone who starts a new world will get all types of ore in the character’s inventory.

Our Team enjoys these updates as much as you do and we couldn’t miss this week’s update despite the holidays pause! Wishes for a Happy 2014 from all the Space Engineers members!


  • enabled refinery
  • enabled assembler
  • motor is now named rotor
  • default character inventory now contains ore
  • cargo containers now contain random ore


Update 01.013.007
  • improved explosion performance
  • fixed explosion particle effect
Update 01.013.008
  • fixed crash in terminal screen
  • fixed crash during explosions
  • fixed crash in refinery

Version 01.012.002 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 26 Dec 2014

We have enabled the gatling gun and rocket launcher for small ships.


  • small ship gatling gun
  • small ship rocket launcher

Version 01.011.006 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 19 Dec 2013

We have implemented the small and large warhead blocks. Warhead blocks, can be used in order to create torpedoes and bombs, dig tunnels and create mine fields. Warheads explode on contact or when damaged.


  • added small and large warhead blocks
  • added warhead explosion on impact


Update 01.011.006
  • fixed snapping of pasted stations
  • fixed torque unit; unit is in Nm and its multiples
  • removed zoom sound
  • fixed automatic rifle sound
Update 01.011.007
  • fixed building issue
  • fixed copy/paste snapping issue
Update 01.011.008
  • fixed GUI crash
  • fixed explosion crash

Version 01.010.008 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 12 Dec 2013

We have implemented more settings for Rotors which can now have more functions such as creating gates.

Also, “Motors” will be referred from the next update as “Rotors”.

We have also enabled the rifle (by mistake), but we decided to keep it enabled. Note, that this is not its final functionality but still a work in progress.


  • rotor now applies forces realistically to both bodies
  • added rotor torque setting
  • added rotor braking torque setting
  • added rotor target velocity setting
  • added rotor limits setting
  • added ingot icons and models
  • increased maximum angular velocity
  • updated localization
  • rifle enabled


  • fixed inventory crash
  • fixed beacon shining without electricity
  • fixed rotor loading issues
  • fixed rotor exploding issues
  • fixed other rotor issues
  • fixed issue when landing gear is locked to asteroid and asteroid is drilled
  • fixed missing edges on block cubes
  • fixed issues caused by ore leaving game area

Version 01.009.007 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 5 Dec 2013

This patch note contains versions 0.009.008-.011, for simplicity.

The 64-bit version of the game is now available. Also, added large/small motor blocks "Rotors" that can be used to create rotating objects and blocks and improved the performance for floating objects and collisions.


  • 64 bit version
  • Large and small Rotor
  • Improved performance for floating objects
  • Improved performance for collisions
  • Hide rotation hints is now possible
  • Updated localization


Update 01.009.008
  • keys for symmetry modes can be assigned
  • fixed front part of hand drill missing on ground
  • ship drill is now correctly centered
  • fixed broken small ship collisions
  • fixed drill shadow
  • fixed ladder view issue
Update 01.009.009
  • fixed collision issue on 64-bit version
  • fixed start-up error
  • fixed rotor collision shape
Update 01.009.010
  • fixed 64-bit start-up issues
  • fixed rotor crash
Update 01.009.011
  • minor crash fix

Version 01.008.008 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 29 Nov 2013


  • Beacons can now be named


  • fixed crash when setting controls
  • fixed crash when using ladder
  • fixed ladder movement
  • fixed asteroid rendering issue
  • fixed start-up crash after removing second display
  • fixed character on ladder with drill

Version 01.008.004 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 28 Nov 2013

We have enabled the drill for small ships and astronaut. The drill can be used for harvesting ore from asteroids.


  • Ship drill enabled
  • Hand drill enabled
  • You can now bind two keys to one action
  • Enabled terminal on more types of blocks


  • Fixed black screen on startup
  • Fixed disappearing asteroid parts
  • Fixed minor control issues
  • Fixed minor GUI issues

Version 01.007.005 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 21 Nov 2013

We have added a beacon block that will help you navigate and we also added copy/paste/delete for creative mode.


  • Beacon block
  • Copy, paste, delete (CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+X)
  • Updated drill texture
  • Updated help screen
  • Error message added when whole world cannot be loaded due to memory


  • Fixed black screen (now a dialog is shown when graphics card is under min requirements)
  • Fixed performance issues when building large number of blocks
  • Fixed crash during loading Particle Library on some configurations
  • Fixed camera issues when standing close to wall
  • Fixed wrong character speed in HUD
  • Fixed workshop names (there were problems with non-ANSI characters, now using UTF-8)

Version 01.006.010 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 14 Nov 2013

Jetpack dampeners are now enabled by default.

Version 01.006.009 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 14 Nov 2013

We have added the Symmetry Mode and enabled the Inventory. Also optimized the jet pack movement and Max Speed. For more information, see the tutorial video below.


  • symmetry/mirror mode
    • allows you to build symmetric structures, see tutorial how to use it
    • allows you to set symmetry for each axis separately
    • symmetry plane can be set in the middle of cube or between two cubes (aka odd or even)
  • inventory
    • inventory screen is available
    • items can be moved between inventories
    • you can throw out items (it has physics, reacts to gravity, can damage other objects)
    • you can pick up items
    • when you build a cargo container on a large ship or station, it contains random items
    • each item will have specific purpose in future
  • jetpack movement ('Z' is now 'Damping on/off' for ships and jetpack)
    • added damping On/Off ('Z' key)
    • movement is now more realistic and similar to a small ship
    • ship damping is now on 'Z' key too (to make it consistent)
  • max speed is 104m/s for all objects
    • jetpack, small ship and large ship has max speed 104 m/s
    • you can exit moving small ship and float around


  • memory optimizations
  • fixed nVidia Optimus problems
  • fixed crashes due to memory (when memory limit enabled)
  • fixed crash with missing .NET library
  • fixed crash in DirectX
  • fixed character animations
  • fixed saving/loading problems
  • fixed 3rd person camera issues for ships
  • fixed audio issues (including one type of black screen)
  • fixed missing music sometimes after ALT+TAB
  • updated localization

Version 01.005.002 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 06 Nov 2013

We have just added "magnetic landing gears" to Space Engineers. When landing gears are above a surface, press "P" and they will be attached to the surface. This way you can attach a small ship on a large ship, grab a ship, land your ship, connect two ships and more.

Additional info: Black color - not in proximity, Yellow - in proximity, Green - locked

Demonstration on this video: here.


  • added Icon Block Landing Gear.png Landing Gear functionality
  • minor changes in Steam Workshop UI
  • updated help screen
  • added confirm dialog when setting controls to defaults
  • added translators to Credits


  • fixed problem in Toolbar Config when adding custom block
  • fixed texts in HUD

Version 01.004.013 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 04 Nov 2013


  • fixed teleporting astronaut after load
  • fixed loading Workshop worlds with special characters in Title

Version 01.004.011 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 01 Nov 2013


  • Inertial dampeners on a ship can be turned on/off - press key 'X' (when off, ship won't auto-decelerate)
  • Modding of 3D models is now possible - see our MODDING page and look for MwmBuilder in the game folder
  • Localizations updated
  • CTRL, ALT and SHIFT keys are now bindable
  • Red semi-transmarent gizmo used for showing which blocks are going to be removed is now more visible
  • New buttons for Steam Workshop
  • Minor improvements


  • Fixed corrupted files during saving
  • Steam Workshop screenshots have proper resolution and do not contain saving wheel
  • When language is changed, HUD texts are refreshed
  • Fixed Icon Block Refinery.png Refinery and Icon Block Large Thruster.png Large Thruster collision models
  • Fixed few notification texts

Version 01.003.007 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 25 Oct 2013

This update was mostly about new features.


  • added support for Steam Workshop (sharing worlds)
  • added faster building and deleting CTRL+SHIFT (in plane)
  • added number of cubes build when building with CTRL
  • color of armor block is remembered
  • block screen has been reordered
  • linear and angular velocity of objects is now saved
  • increased allowed penetration when building stations
  • mouse buttons 4 and 5 are now bindable
  • updated localized texts (more languages will be added in next release)
  • added recommend button


  • fixed out of memory crash when game was minimized
  • fixed some of ALT+TAB crashes
  • fixed crash in render

Version 01.002.014 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 23 Oct 2013

This update was mostly about fixes.


  • added experimental support for much larger worlds, see this forum post
  • added community localization: Czech, Danish, Dutch, German, Icelandic, Polish and Spanish
  • increased maximum jet-pack speed from 3.4 m/s to 5.7 m/s (8 m/s diagonally)
  • minor performance optimization of thrust effects


  • fixed highlight blinking
  • fixed asteroid physics after collisions
  • fixed leaving cockpit during crashes
  • fixed crash during deformation
  • fixed interior wall rotation
  • fixed blinking when many objects are rendered

Version 01.002.009 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 21 Oct 2013


  • fixed startup audio issues
  • fixed crash when cockpit is removed from ships and stations
  • fixed crash during deformation
  • fixed refresh rate issues
  • fixed crash when dragging items to toolbar
  • fixed crash with occlusion queries
  • fixed filesystem unsufficient permission crash
  • fixed render crash after longer play
  • fixed crash in physics when updating shape of light
  • fixed crash when leaving ladder
  • fixed saving issues and crashes
  • fixed cockpit drawing when cockpit was visible through other geomerty (after leaving it)
  • fixed large thrust physics shape
  • precise building mode (building in full interiors is easier)
  • fixed disconnecting small thrust on small ships
  • more visible object highlight
  • fixed crash when assigning controls in options
  • fixed crash when removing block from large station or ship
  • fixed rare crash when building using CTRL key

Version 01.001.007 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 18 Oct 2013


  • fixed leaving the cockpit
  • fixed loading of DirectX libraries
  • hidden welder notification
  • fixed locked config file and particle effect library
  • added audio logging
  • fixed crash when assigning items to toolbar
  • exceptions are now in english
  • fixed many cockpit crashes
  • added logging when create device fails
  • fixed crash with on/off buttons
  • fixed crash with listbox
  • fixed "Exit to windows" crashes
  • fixed crashes when creating D3D device
  • fixed issues with VC++ redists

Version 01.001.005 {{{Type}}}


Release Date: 17 Oct 2013


  • fixed shader recompilation crash
  • fixed crash caused by some missing .NET library
  • added logging of "Exit to windows" crashes