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Drones are autonomous purpose-built ships that perform actions from the domains of defense, attack, surveillance, or transportation. NPC ships and bases can spawn combat drones, and players can build their own as well.

For example, a satellite is a surveillance drone, a tram or shuttle is a transportation drone, and a PBW is a combat drone.

Asteroids only load in the presence of players, this means you cannot send drones to space to find new asteroids.

Player-built drones

Typically, drones are small-grid size; large-grid drones are possible but rare.

Currently all drones hover or fly, either in space or in planetary atmospheres. Wheeled drones are extremely rare and require a lot of extra effort to be functional.

The main difference between drones and ships is that drones have no cockpit, instead they use other means of control:

The same building rules apply to drones as for other ships: Make sure the drone can fly in all six directions in the target environment, by giving it the right type of thrusters, enough power (batteries), and enough gyroscopes.

Beyond that, you can build your drone out of any blocks that you would use in a dedicated space ship, including Block Weapons and Block Tools. Drones are usually built to be compact, lightweight, and purpose-built to extend their battery life to the maximum. If you desire mass-production, follow additional advice on 3D printing.

Manually remote controlling a drone

Players can "see through the eyes" of a drone, zoom in and out, and steer the drone (unless it is on autopilot). You can even remote-control Block Weapons and Block Tools if the drone has any.

Requirements are:

  • Drone has Camera and RC.
  • Drone is reliably (!) reachable through Antenna (<50km) or Laser Antenna.
  • Player has (shared) ownership of the drone.

For details how to view through a camera, see the Camera article.


  • The Antenna and GPS distance markers shown on the HUD while piloting the drone are relative to the controlling player, not relative to the drone.
  • The drone camera supports only first-person view, you cannot switch to third-person view. Better build several cameras and position them well.

NPC drones

Space Engineers has no personal NPCs, instead, NPC ships and bases spawn computer-controlled defense drones when attacked.

Whether a strange drone is friendly, neutral, or hostile to a player depends on NPC faction standing.

Did you know? You can press CTRL key+B key to blueprint NPC drones you encounter in Survival Mode. Then project and re-build them, learn from them, and modify them to work for you. (In Creative Mode, you can straight-up copy and paste them and take ownership.)

Pages in category "Drones"

The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.