5.56x45mm NATO magazine

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5.56x45mm NATO magazine
Icon Item 5.56x45mm NATO magazine.png

Category: Consumables
Status: Unavailable

Serves as ammunition for the Automatic Rifle and Interior Turrets.

Mass: 0.45 kg
Volume: 0.20 L

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)
This article is about something now obsolete that is no longer present in Space Engineers. The page stays on the Wiki for historic purposes.

A Icon Item 5.56x45mm NATO magazine.png 5.56x45mm NATO magazine is an ammunition item that can be used to load any type of rifle as well as Icon Block Interior Turret.png Interior Turrets.

In Update 1.198 ("Warfare 1: Field Engineer"),[1] the ability to produce this type if ammunition in assemblers was removed due to an overhaul to handheld weaponry. The 5.56x45mm NATO magazines' purpose was superseded by the Icon Item MR-20 Magazine.png MR-20, Icon Item MR-50A Magazine.png MR-50A, Icon Item MR-8P Magazine.png MR-8P, and Icon Item MR-30E Magazine.png MR-30E magazines.

However, 5.56x45mm NATO magazines still exist in the game as they can still be found inside cargo containers and interior turrets of legacy grids, including some of the Cargo Ships and Random Encounters that can be enabled in the World Settings when creating or loading a saved game.


Unlike the newer specialised magazine types, legacy 5.56x45mm NATO magazines can be loaded into every type of rifle in the game: the Icon Item MR-20 Rifle.png MR-20, Icon Item MR-50A Rifle.png MR-50A, Icon Item MR-8P Rifle.png MR-8P, and Icon Item MR-30E Rifle.png MR-30E rifles.

Rifles (as well as turrets) loaded with a 5.56x45mm NATO magazine will always load 30 bullets from it. All of the gun's other stats remains the same as it does with its normal type of ammunition, making the 5.56x45mm NATO magazines particularly useful for Icon Item MR-8P Rifle.png MR-8P Rifle (which would otherwise only get 8 bullets from its Icon Item MR-8P Magazine.png MR-8P Magazines).

Using 5.56x45mm NATO magazines to load Icon Block Interior Turret.png Interior Turrets is not recommended, as they only contain 30 bullets as opposed to the Icon Item MR-50A Magazine.png MR-50A Magazine's 50.


Since update 1.198, the 5.56x45mm NATO magazine can no longer be produced in any Icon Block Assembler.png Assembler.

In previous versions of the game, it could be produced in an assembler using the same materials that are now used to produce Icon Item MR-20 Magazine.png MR-20 Magazines: 0.80 Icon Item Iron Ingot.png Iron Ingot, 0.20 Icon Item Nickel Ingot.png Nickel Ingot, and 0.15 Icon Item Magnesium Powder.png Magnesium Powder.

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