NPC Factions

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Apart from Sabiroids (SPID faction) and Cyberhounds, Space Engineers does not have any Non-Player Characters (NPCs). The only interactive spawns are flying computer-controlled battleships, defense drones, and encounters. NPC ships are members of factions and factions can be friendly, neutral, or hostile to the player.


NPC Factions in Scenarios

The implicit lore in scenarios mentions several NPC factions:

NPC Factions in Economy trading outposts

When a world with Economy enabled is generated, a dozen random neutral NPC factions are also added. These factions own the Trading Outposts that the player comes across. There are even certain sections of the NPC Trading Outposts that are ostensibly only accessible for faction members.

After an NPC ship or Trading Outpost appears on your radar (HUD) in Survival Mode, you'll see a message saying you have "discovered" this faction and their name is now revealed in the list in the Factions tab in your Terminal. In Creative Mode, all faction names are visible from the start.

Who are the NPC traders?

By finding their names in the table below, you can distinguish three types of NPCs:

  • Miners sell and buy ores and materials.
  • Traders sell and buy components.
  • Builders sell rovers and ships and buy components.
  • They all have a chance of additionally selling Icon Item Zone Chip.png Zone Chips every time their stock is rerolled.

The goods type is relevant if you want to trade specific items, so you can head for the outpost most likely to deal in that area of business.

The names and colours of the Economy factions are randomly generated, drawn from a list of terms that are stitched together to create unique phrases and four-letter faction tags. Examples of such random names are “Supreme Shipbuilding (SMSB)” or “Interstellar Technologies (ISTC)”, and so on.

1st Name 1st Abbr.
Clang CL
Divine DV
Enlightened EN
First Class FC
Galactic GC
Independent ID
Intergalactic IG
Imperial IM
Interstellar IS
Merciless ME
Mystic MT
Royal RL
Rogue RO
Righteous RT
Revolutionary RV
Sacred SA
Secret SC
Supreme SM
Sovereign SO
Specialized SP
Star ST
The First TF
Unyielding UD
United UN
Universal UV

Type 2nd Name 2nd Abbr.
Builder Artisans AT
Builder Construction Guild CG
Builder Constructors CS
Builder Engineering EG
Builder Heavy Industry HI
Builder Industry IN
Builder Inventors IV
Builder Manufacturers MA
Builder Makers MK
Builder Shipbuilding SB
Builder Welders WE
Miner Drilling Consortium DC
Miner Drillers DR
Miner Excavators EX
Miner Miners Guild MG
Miner Minerals MN
Miner Prospectors PR
Miner Sappers SR
Trader Alliance AL
Trader Conglomerate CM
Trader Commerce CO
Trader Cartel CT
Trader Dealers DE
Trader Dwellers DW
Trader Hauling Services HS
Trader Merchants MC
Trader Shipping SH
Trader Settlers SL
Trader Technologies TC
Trader Traffickers TK
Trader Traders TR

How to find NPC ships and stations

To find and trigger an encounter:

  • Switch on your HUD to full visibility: Cycle modes by pressing TAB key.
  • Enable full Signals on your HUD: Cycle modes by pressing H key.

If you are in a world with Economy enabled, your Drop Pod contains a datapad with coordinates of a trade outpost. Outposts sell datapads with more coordinates to explore.

If you are in a world with pirate bases or Encounters enabled, travel around a few minutes in a straight line, and you should see their signals highlighted in red on your HUD.

Tip: In singleplayer, and if you are Admin in multiplayer, you can use the Admin Screen to see a list of all active grids, including the ones from Economy and Encounters.

If you have installed an Encounters mod from the Workshop, there will be other conditions and custom chat commands to see the mod status — read the workshop page thoroughly.

How to add more encounters

To learn how to make hostile pirates spawn in any world, see How to trigger Pirate Encounters on any map.

For harder enemies, install a mod from Modular Encounter Systems.

Experienced player may be interested in how to edit NPC factions in the <MyObjectBuilder_Faction> section of the Sandbox.sbc file.