Temporary Container

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Temporary Containers textured.jpg

In the World Settings, you have the option to enable Temporary Containers.

When a cargo container (or any block with inventory) is destroyed, the items in it spill out. On servers, too many floating items can cause lag. If Temporary Containers are enabled, floating items are gathered together into small temporary containers, which improves performance.

When small containers without convenyor ports (such as Freights, Barrel, and Cargo Crates) are destroyed, they do not drop a Temporary Container.

How to pick up a temporary container

Temporary means that you cannot pick up Temporary Containers by pressing F key. Instead, aim the crosshair at them, press I key, and drag and drop the container inventory into your player inventory. Then the empty Temporary Container disappears.

To transport it, pick it up with a tug ship or vehicle using a magnetic Landing Gear.

If a Temporary Container is picked up by a Collector, the items go into the collector and the empty Temporary Container disappears.

If the target inventory is full, a partially filled Temporary Container stays behind.