Original Content
These legacy sandbox games among the New Game templates are the scenarios that the game originally shipped with. They still work, but they will not be updated to include new blocks or new planets. Luckily, you're an engineer, you can add the new blocks yourself. ;-)
Sandbox scenarios have no predefined objectives, they serve as quick starting points for you.
The First Jump
The First Jump scenario is a legacy tutorial that still works but will no longer be updated. This short singleplayer beginner tutorial offers a linear story with action-packed gameplay, while clearly stated objectives casually teach you the basics of gameplay. Learn controls and interactions in stations, space ships, and land vehicles. Fly spacecraft and drive tanks; explore several planets/moons, space stations, and planetary stations.
For a walkthough, see The First Jump Scenario.
Earth Planet
Start on the Earthlike planet with oxygen, resource nodes, a large ground base, two projections, and three small ships. Contains asteroids, Space Pirates, and all planets except Pertam and Triton. It's based on EasyStation.
Alien Planet
Start on the Alien planet with a large ground base, two projections, and three small ships. You will need to deal with low oxygen, a rugged landscape, high gravity, hard to find resources, and alien wildlife. Contains asteroids, all planets except Pertam and Triton, and Space Pirates. It's based on EasyStation.
Moon Base
Start on the airless Moon, near the Earthlike planet, in a large ground base with two projections and three small ships. You will need to manage oxygen and deal with no atmosphere and low gravity. Contains asteroids, Space Pirates, and all planets except Pertam and Triton. It's based on EasyStation.
Mars Planet
Start on the Mars planet with a large ground base, two projections, and three small ships. You will need to manage oxygen and deal with low atmosphere. Contains asteroids, Space Pirates, and all planets except Pertam and Triton. It's based on EasyStation.
Dead Drop Arena
This is a 4-versus-4 multiplayer PvP battle arena set in space. It comes with eight space ships docked in a station above planet Mars. No other planets nor timed objectives exist. Its main purpose is to facilitate a quick freeform PvP battle for a group of players.
Crashed Red Ship
An interesting intermediate survival challenge. The player wakes up in the wreckage of a ship that has crashed into an asteroid. The ship was Big Red, but is missing most of its front half. It lacks the basic utilities and is not capable of flight anymore, but a clever space engineer can build a new ship from salvage and with resources from the asteroid.
Asteroid belt only, no planets, no objectives.
Red Ship
The player spawns on an open platform in space with all the facilities they'll need to survive, such as Refinery, Assembler, Medical Room, etc. Three small-grid ships (Fighter, Miner, and Constructor) are docked here.
The Big Red ship is hovering alongside the platform. A second large ship, Big Blue, can be found nearby in space. Asteroid belt only, infrequent meteor strikes, no planets.
If you want to play an updated version of a similar map, choose Red Ship v2.
Green Station
The player spawns on a large, fully constructed space station with several large and small ships. Like on the Red Ship map, the two large-grid ships Big Red and Big Blue are found at or near the station. There are also two small-grid ships docked here, one is a Combatant mk.1 and the other is a Constructor.
Additionally, you find a ready-to-build framework for a large ship floating in space nearby, consisting mostly of incomplete armor blocks.
Asteroid belt only, no planets, no objectives.
Lone Survivor
Apparently, all the ships have left without you. On this map, you find yourself alone on an asteroid mining platform with multiple utilities at hand: Beacon, Control Seat, Refinery, Assembler, Small Reactor, and Medical Room.
Survival is easy -- if you know how to manage your power and oxygen. From here, you can start building your own space station or spaceships. You can resort to mining, salvaging, or piracy. Tip: Use the set of upside down Landing Gears to magnetically hold any ships to be repaired or wrecks to be salvaged in zero gravity.
Asteroid belt only, no planets, no objectives.
If you want to play an updated version of a similar map, choose Red Ship v2.
Rival Platforms
This map is similar to the "Lone Survivor platform" (see there for details), except that now there are two identical asteroid stations near each other. This is an ideal quick start for quick multiplayer games with two players/teams in a friendly competition, for example, a space race for who's the first to progress to building a spacecraft or fighter. Asteroid belt only, no planets, no objectives.