Category:Set Up

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How do I create a new game in Space Engineers and what options do I have?

This video still shows the user interface from 2023.

First time on the Main Screen?

  1. Configure game-wide Options.
  2. Choose what your character should look like.
  3. Optionally, click Quick Start to open a showcase world.

How to create a New game

To create a new game, select a template:

  1. On the Main screen, click New Game.
  2. Select one of the following categories:
  3. Select one of the game templates.
  4. Optionally, click Customize.
    This is, among other things, where you choose Survival Mode or Creative Mode, Multiplayer or Singleplayer, modded or "vanilla".
  5. Click Start.

What should I choose?

  • First time playing? Explore the Quick Start world to get an idea of the game.
  • Story Scenarios are recommended for everyone and they make a great starting point for beginners. Here you explore storylines and achieve goals.
  • Sandbox Games are recommended for intermediate and experienced players who set their own goals and set up custom worlds.
  • PvP Scenarios let you quickly spin up competive multiplayer worlds ready to race cars, have a shoot-out, or have a spaceship battle.
  • Original Content contains legacy worlds that still work but that don't use all the most recent blocks.
  • Community Content is recommended for intermediate and experienced players because it can include mods.

Guided video tour by Splitsie

Splitsie's series shows you everything you need to know to get started!

Scenarios on consoles

On consoles, only three scenarios are supported: The First Jump, Learning to Survive, Never Surrender. The official Lost Colony scenario does not work on consoles. Third-party scenarios from the Steam Workshops are not supported either on consoles. Console players can install the scenario on a dedicated server (EOS) and connect to the hosted PC game.


Are there world size limits?

On PC, the "infinite" world expands as the player explores it.

In the default templates available on Xbox and Playstation, there's only three planets at a time, and the world is limited in size—but practically, you will not notice any size limit during gameplay. Newer, faster consoles can handle more planets.

Can I add mods and planets and ALL the things?

Yes, you can customize sandbox games as you please. In all sandbox worlds in singleplayer, you can switch to Creative Mode and add planets, move planets, spawn in grids from Blueprints, and install mods.

After setting it up, you can switch back to Survival Mode any time, and also open up the custom game for Multiplayer.