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Cockpits are essential functional blocks that let the player control a station or mobile grid using its customizable toolbar.

Adding a cockpit to a mobile grid lets players control it through WASD keys and mouse. Cockpits support several Cockpit Controls, they have build-in configurable LCD surfaces. Cockpits have 1000 litres of inventory. Many cockpits provide Life Support, and most contain a seat.

Press F key to enter, and again F key to exit any cockpit. The game places your engineer where you stood before; consider whether there will be firm ground under your feet.

The term cockpit can refer to any of the following specific blocks:

Tip: The Icon Block Remote Control.png Remote Control and Icon Block Passenger Seat.png Passenger Seat each perform separate functions, but together they can substitute cockpit functionality in an emergency.

You can choose to use one of the pre-built cockpit blocks, or build a custom bridge room with several control blocks along with windows and LCD panels.

A player-built cockpit using transparent LCDs as HUD (by w4stedspace)