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You might want to back up or transfer game saves, or back up your options, or read log files when debugging.

All these user files are stored in your AppData folder. What if you can't find the AppData Folder? First enable viewing hidden files in order to see the Save folder in Windows Explorer. Open "Folder Options", then go to the View tab and click the option that says “Show hidden files, folders, and drives”.

Where to Get Community Support?

You can always ask quick SE questions here:

Many youtubers, streamers, server admins, and modders have Discords as well where you can chat about new ideas and how to solve game issues.

How to Report Ideas and Bugs to Keen?

The Official Keen Support Site is at

  1. Pick “Space Engineers”.
  2. Pick your platform (PC or console).
  3. Browse and search existing suggestions and bugs that match yours. The existing comments potentially already contain solutions and clues from Support and the community.
  4. Create an account to be able to comment, post, and vote yourself.
  5. If you can’t find a solution for your problem, either add your description and vote to an existing report of the same bug, or write a new bug report.

You can also send Keen novel gameplay ideas and upvote other players’ suggestions and bugs.

How do I get Keen to accept my bug report? 😏

Complete your report with a detailed description how your issue can be reproduced, otherwise Keen Devs won’t analyse the issue.


  • your game mode (survival or creative?)
  • your online mode (single- or multiplayer, LAN, dedicated/public server?)
  • what you were doing at the time
  • which problem occurred
  • and what you expected to happen instead.

Since SE worlds are more complex than a Checkers board, include screenshots, log files, a zipped saved game, or record and upload a short video clip and include a link to it.

Keen Support will always ask you whether you can reproduce the bug without mods (and without plugins), so be prepared for that question. Make a temporary copy of the game save and remove all mods from it to verify whether the same problem also exists in a vanilla game. (If the problem stems from a mod, report it to the mod author first.)

Even better, start a fresh game and recreate the same situation. If the bug happens in a fresh game, that’s the fastest way to convince Support to fix it, because it could affect all players.

Lastly, if you hear in forums of other players with the same issue, post your report link and ask them to upvote your report.

Where are My Log Files?

Log files are plain text, you can open them in Notepad or Notepad++. You find the game's log file SpaceEngineers.log in Windows Explorer under


This path expands to

C:\Users\YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\

The SpaceEngineers.log file is overwritten every time you launch the game. In the same directory, you’ll also find the previous, similarly named recent log file, with a date stamp in its name. For example, SpaceEngineers_20201129_195533220.log for Nov 29 2020.

Especially if you have mods installed, the log file can give the modder a hint so they can identify the crashes or errors.

Why is my graphic card overheating?

Sometimes when the game crashes, it shows the following misleading error dialog:

Graphics device driver has crashed. Your card is probably overheating or driver is malfunctioning. Please, update your graphics drivers and remove any overclocking.

It doesn't mean that overheating or overclocking are certainly the cause, these are just examples. It is a generic message and it could be another reason. Source: Reddit

How Do I make backups?

See How to back up my games and settings?

How Do I Move the Game instance to another hard disk? (Steam)


How do I analyse block limits and performance impact?

The Warning Screen shows you whether Mods or excessively complex grids are slowing down your game.

How to troubleshoot crashes

Whether you use mods or not: Modding/Troubleshooting