Player Trading

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You can securely trade items, PCU, and space credits (in-game money) with players in game in your vicinity. You may also be interested in chat and multiplayer.


In order to trade, you must fulfill these requirements:

  • Verify that the trading feature is enabled globally in the Options.
  • Naturally, player-to-player trading makes sense only in multiplayer, this means, online mode in the World Settings must be set to public, private, or friends.
  • The other player must be standing next to you.
  • You must have the trade items in your inventory; or the PCU in your possession; or the space credits in your "bank account" or in your inventory, respectively.
Trading Screen.png

How to trade

  1. Stand next to the engineer you want to trade with.
  2. Press F3 to open the Multiplayer Screen.
  3. Select the target engineers name.
  4. Click the Trade button on the left side of the Multiplayer screen to open the Trade Screen.

The Trade Screen shows your inventory on the left, your current offer (or nothing) in the middle, and the other player's offer (or nothing) on the right side. You can check in the bottom-left corner how many space credits currently are in your bank account.

  1. Make an offer. There are three ways (you can combine them):
    • Click the items in your inventory that you want to sell.
      You now see your offered items in the middle of your screen.
    • Or, type in your offered amount of space credits in the bottom middle, or click the plus and minus buttons to enter the amount.
    • Or, type in your offered amount of PCU.
  2. Click Submit Offer.
    The other player now sees your offer.
  3. The other player can now offer something themselves. But they don't have to -- if you, for example, help out a friend, you might not expect anything in return.
  4. If the other player agrees with your deal, they click Accept.
  5. If you agree with their deal as well, click Accept Offer to finalise the deal.
    This transfers the credits or items or PCU securely to both recipients.

If one player disagrees with the deal, they click Refuse. In this case, each player securely keeps their offered credits or items or PCU.