Mars is a medium difficult planet to start on. The ambience music is sometimes calm and and sometimes mysterious or dangerous.
In space, you recognise this planet by its rusty red color and its small lightblue moon Europa next to it.
This planet is a rocky desert with deep trenches and steep hills. The surface is mostly rocks and reddish soil. There's no ice lakes and only rarely you come across snowy mountains. The large vulcano Olympus Mons is Mars' best known landmark among engineers.
For power generation, Solar Panels are better than wind turbines here. Even though ice is easily found, the ice patches are not voluminous enough to make great use of hydrogen engines for power, unless you happen find a rare snow capped hill.
An atmosphere exists but it is thin with very few clouds, so remember that parachutes won't help when landing on this planet, especially given the relatively strong gravity.
The atmosphere is not breathable because it has no oxygen.
The temperature is always freezing cold. The non-clear weather is mostly storms or dust storms, and in polar regions, fog and snowstorms.
- Surface gravity of 0.9g
- Max Gravity altitude: 39,311 meters
- Diameter: 120 km
- No flora or fauna
- Very thin atmosphere, no oxygen
- Iron, Nickel, Silicon
- Cobalt, Silver, Magnesium
- Ice
- Gold