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In Space Engineers, Europa is the moon of planet Mars. Europa is quite unfriendly to life and therefor a hard starting location to survive on. This featureless ice desert is nothing but a ball of lightblue ice with hardly any resources deposits, even stone is rare. The music ambience is neutral or mysterious.


Europa's weak atmosphere allows for atmospheric and ion thruster-based ships to fly there, but there is too little oxygen to be breathable.

The most common non-clear weather is either heavy fog and heavy snowfall. There are few clouds. The planet's atmosphere is thick enough that Wind Turbines produce power during snow storms. But if it's foggy and the wind stops, Solar Panels are needed as a source of power.


Europa's flat terrain consists of low rolling ice hills and ice rimae (grooves). The low gravity poses a problem for rovers, but at least it's flat.

Basically, what is stone on other planets was replaced by ice, and what would be ice is stone. To find resources, even stone, you need to search longer and dig deeper.

Due to the amount of ice, it makes sense to use Europa a refueling station for hydrogen-based ships.


The game Space Engineers has Europa orbiting Mars, but in reality, Europa is the name of a moon of the planet Jupiter.




In the ore legend, stone replaces ice and ice replaces stone.


  • Diameter: 19km
  • Surface gravity: 0.25g
  • Max Gravity altitude: 3150m
  • No native fauna or flora
  • Oxygen Level: None
  • Temperature: Freeze


  • Ice

Traces of:

  • Stone
  • Iron, Nickel, Silicon
  • Cobalt, Silver, Magnesium
  • Gold
  • Platinum


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This article or section contains details about the game which players may be intended to discover on their own!

The difficulty with a Europa start is that even stone is hard to come by. Everything underground is beyond the range of the handdrill's ore detector.

If you start here, you will have more success jetpacking up to an asteroid to fill your Survival Kit with stone. You would need to search a long time to find stone in the ice, since it is not highlighted by the ore detector.[1]

Stone can sometimes be found at surface level on the side of craters or in thin veins underground. Rarely will you spot ores (including Icon Item Platinum Ore.png Platinum Ore) from the surface, even ore boulders are rare.

If you arrive here later in the game equipped with a large-grid ore detector, finding ores becomes much easier.


  1. TODO: Check whether the "ice" signals actually mark stone deposits...?