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Good.Bot is an artificial intelligence (AI) in the Space Engineers world. It was created by Sol Cooperative.


The AI is a protagonist of the The First Jump Scenario. It is never visible as a character and only appears as text via suit comms or tooltips, collaborating with the player. It makes a second appearance in the Learning to Survive Scenario.

In-game tutorial

Unless disabled in the gamewide Options, Good.Bot appears in a popup window in the top-left of your games and comments on various unlocked blocks and explains what they do.

"For example, after a new player selects a block for the first time, in-game help text will appear on the screen via, and teach the player the basics of building. Once the player has successfully completed these basic building tasks, the in-game help text will disappear. We have designed more than 30 simple objectives." -- Marek Rosa[1]

Good.Bot Chat

Originally, players were meant to access in-game help in multiplayer by asking questions through typed messages in Chat. Unused hard-coded strings in the game files indicate that Good.Bot was meant to answer frequently asked gameplay questions, but this feature was never completed. The incomplete Good.Bot chat feature was quietly removed in Version 1.200.


Next to Keen Softwarehouse which creates Space Engineers, Marek Rosa has a second company, GoodAI, whose goal it is to create an artificial general intelligence. Good.Bot was possibly named after this real-life company.
