Encounter Safehouse Station

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The bare Safehouse station

The Safehouse Station is derelict station which can spawn if the "random encounters" option is enabled in your world. It can be found by following the "SPRT MAYDAY" signal, which flashes on the player's HUD for 1s every minute, from a distance of ~25 km. It is allways found buried in an asteroid.

There is one interior turret inside, on the left  upper side after entry.


The Lockers inside the inner section contain 5 rifle magazines, an Elite Grinder,  and basic tools.

The station contains:

There is no other ingot or component found in the station, unless the player decides to salvage the whole station itself, or use it as an outpost/refueling station. There are multiple Decorative DLC blocks in the station, which will not yield components if destroyed, unless the player also has the DLC installed.