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Version 1.193 Major


Release Date: 24 October 2019

Hello, Engineers!

It’s hard to believe, but Space Engineers was released six years ago. It seems like yesterday, but I think the time always runs very fast with the things you love. It would take the entire blog post to mention all names and people who contributed to the success of Space Engineers. But it were not only my colleagues who I’d like to thank, it’s also you, our players and modders, who helped us to shape the game, gave us great ideas and who constantly provided us with feedback.

This update is full of new things, improvements and surprises. We combined the things which were inspired by you, with the things we think you will like. With this release, we are also releasing the Xbox optimizations and improved controller support.

Similar to our previous major releases, we decided to give you an opportunity to support the further development of Space Engineers. We have created a pack which consists of cosmetic items designed to enrich your game visually. The package is the second edition of the Decorative Pack, which was released back in April this year. None of the things in the package brings any advantage to players who purchase this DLC. The price of the Decorative Pack II is $3.99 USD, or your regional Steam equivalent, so if you wish to support us, check out the Decorative Pack II on Steam.

Youtube: Space Engineers: 6th Anniversary Update & Decorative Pack II

Youtube: Space Engineers: Anniversary Compilation

Marek's blog post

Features: Main Features & Changes

  • Added Small Ladder Block
  • Added New World Scenario: Lost Colony
  • Added New Armor Skins:
    • Battered Armor Skin
    • Rusty Armor Skin
  • Improved Controller Support (still work in progress)
  • A newly added GPS is now automatically selected in the GPS list
  • Added Control Gyros checkbox to cockpits to allow/disallow control of gyroscopes from that cockpit
  • Any player can now use Store and Contract blocks which are owned by other players and set to Anyone Can Use (NPC owned blocks cannot be used this way for gameplay reasons)
  • Deleting a GPS from the list now automatically selects another GPS if there is any
  • It is now possible to manage Store block orders/offers by Programmable Blocks
  • Made "MyStoreItemData" events "OnTransaction", "OnCancel" ModAPI only (previously were available to Programmable block)
  • Moved Enable sun rotation advanced world setting above the Day duration slider
  • Reputation notifications now aggregate
  • Language updates
    • Updated Portuguese BR-PT localization
    • Updated Spanish localization

Decorative Pack II

  • Dispenser
  • Jukebox
  • Small Control Seat
  • Lab Equipment
  • Shower
  • Window Walls
  • Medical Station
  • Transparent LCD
  • Grated Catwalks
  • Grated Stairs and Half Stairs
  • Railings
  • Rotating Light
  • Freight


  • Fixed connectors staying connected when damaged
  • Fixed a crash at Sandbox.Game.AI.MyAiTargetBase.GetRandomDirectedPosition
  • Fixed a crash at VRage.Audio.MyCueBank.Update
  • Fixed a crash when removing old identities
  • Fixed a crash in OnControlAcquired in ship welders
  • Fixed a crash in physics that allowed players to jump away with an asteroid or part of a planet surface
  • Fixed server incorrectly computing the center of rotation for merged grids, thus confusing client prediction
  • Fixed Autopilot not activating in Campaign Mission 3
  • Fixed character trash removal setting for offline players activating immediately when set to 0 (Zero now means Disabled again)
  • Fixed game still accepting inputs after player tabbed to some other application during starting up SE
  • Fixed stone appearing in inventories where it should not be appearing
  • Fixed the strength of the gyroscope of the surveillance camera in the Campaign Mission 4 Hangar
  • Fixed show current ship inventories filter not switching back to show all inventories
  • Fixed ship inventory volume not updating when buying Hydrogen from NPC stations
  • Fixed PCUs not being correctly transferred when traded via Player to Player trading
  • Fixed character getting stuck in no gravity in Campaign Mission 1 by jumping near a Medical room
  • Fixed display component texture
  • Fixed LCDs for powered blocks not updating when those blocks are damaged below functional
  • Fixed spotlights casting incorrect or offset shadows after switching between graphical settings
  • Fixed incorrect message showing up when trying to accept an invite into a game which no longer exists
  • Fixed another instance of a black octagon appearing on the screen
  • Fixed Ultrawide screen resolutions allowing to see around respawn screen cover
  • Fixed incorrect help screen keybinds for color picker
  • Fixed the ability to see NPCs listed in ownership drop-down menu without creative (tools)
  • Fixed Contract block emissivity not being visible from larger distance
  • Fixed missiles teleporting through ship armor layers
  • Fixed a crash when trying to deposit credits into faction using arrow keys
  • Fixed "Smile and Wave" achievement not working
  • Fixed spotlights flickering lights through grids
  • Fixed an inventory exploit
  • Fixed servers not starting with specific GPS names
  • Fixed a crash when trying to access an empty waypoint. Invalid waypoint will now return MyWaypointInfo.Empty when calling IsEmpty() method
  • Fixed item mass not being counted towards grids which have been split
  • Fixed landing gear connection making connected grids count as one entity in entity list
  • Fixed getting two achievements just by creating a faction as a new player
  • Fixed shadow quality not refreshing when changing only it in the options
  • Fixed connectors disconnecting all at once when trying to dock to a complex base
  • Fixed ship welder not being able to show which block is targeted (what is the percentage and what components are missing)
  • Fixed "Tool shake" advanced world setting tooltip being inaccurate
  • Fixed block preview not showing selected armor skin in the preview
  • Fixed passage levels of detail not blending correctly
  • Fixed armor locker mirroring
  • Fixed spectator flashlight being vertical instead of horizontal
  • Fixed MyFactionDefinition "DefaultRelation" to accept Neutral as a valid relation (Friends works partially)

25/10/2019 Hotfix 193.019

  • Fixed a crash when selecting a block from toolbar caused by old version of .NET Framework (Runtime) installation
  • Fixed a crash when trying to select non-existent block size/variant for a modded block
  • Fixed a crash when trying to load a world with a modded HUD
  • Fixed a crash when loading the game with Chinese translation
  • Fixed a crash when manipulating tracks for Jukeboxes and Soundblocks
  • Fixed a crash when changing character model to non-humans
  • Fixed PlanetGeneratorDefinitions.sbc making all planets strictly spherical
  • Fixed planets failing to appear on loading a save
  • Fixed saves not loading with mods for removing Vanilla blocks

30/10/2019 Hotfix 193.020


  • Removed additional force from dispensing Clang Kola, it phased through grids and buyers could not find it
  • Moved Small Control Seat out of Decorative Pack II and into the base version of the game


  • Fixed a crash when trying to view info for an undefined block group in G screen
  • Fixed character's legs clipping into surface when exiting toilet
  • Fixed SafeZoneBlock not being correctly accessible for programmable block

Fixes from our support site

  • Fixed a crash when editing GPS description
  • Fixed [] and {} switching tabs in terminal when trying to type them into text fields
  • Fixed being forced out of iron-sights when trying to move diagonally (W+A/D), also fixed caps-lock not limiting character speed
  • Fixed inability to select empty inventories for item transfer by clicking into them
  • Fixed items being transferred into previously selected inventory instead of the filtered one
  • Fixed filled inventory scrolling up/down upon interaction when the contents did not fit the screen
  • Fixed incorrect collision model for Toilet block above functional line
  • Fixed missing control panel option for rotation speed of rotating light

01/11/2019 Hotfix 193.021


  • Fixed inventory focus not changing correctly when switching between character/interacted/connected inventories

Fixes from our support site

  • Fixed a crash due to trying to transfer items from a third unfocused inventory with two other focused inventories
  • Fixed inventory focus not switching away from hidden/filtered out inventories
  • Fixed freight blocks containing components after being welded from a projection

14/11/2019 Hotfix 193.022


  • Fixed a crash when reloading the game while an ore detector is working
  • Fixed a crash when character was removed from scene (unloading a scene)
  • Fixed a crash at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MySkinnedEntity.UpdateAnimation
  • Fixed a crash when a surface under a character was removed (mainly by unloading a scene in a respawn screen)
  • Fixed missing/not updating detail info on specific blocks
  • Fixed armor skin not appearing on some blocks after save & reload
  • Fixed character crouching down even on a successful Ctrl+C
  • Fixed Replay tool replaying only Victory emotes

Fixes from our support site

  • Fixed game client occasionally being frozen when exiting back to main menu
  • Fixed Lost Colony datapads in inventories not being synchronised to clients in lobbies (their max character limit was too long)