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Version 1.187.0 Major


Release Date: 19 July 2018

After six months, we are releasing the next major update, which is focusing on the complete overhaul of multiplayer in Space Engineers, and a number of new features and optimizations. This was a massive overhaul and that’s why it wasn’t possible to make this update in weekly increment - so thanks a lot for your patience!

We had to redo major parts of the engine and there was a lot of experimentation - for example changing the prediction protocol on client-server and observing if it’s better for user experience or worse, and many more. Space Engineers has many systems and special care had to be taken for each of them: player character, jetpack, ship, wheeled vehicles, voxels and planets, fast moving objects, deformable entities, antennas, player standing on a moving grid, colliding grids, rotors, pistons, wheels, and many many more.

But wait - that's not all! With this massive multiplayer update we are releasing optimizations and performance improvements, Safe Zones, Female Engineer and much more!

Marek's blog post with detailed info

Youtube: Space Engineers - Update 1.187 - Major Overhaul of Multiplayer

Youtube: Space Engineers - Emergency Broadcast - Overview of Major Overhaul of Multiplayer


  • Improved multiplayer
  • Major optimizations and performance improvements for various blocks and systems
  • Safe Zones and global permissions
  • Player persistency in MP
  • Auto reconnect feature for client in MP
  • Female Engineer
  • PCU Limits - global, per faction or per player
  • Added Experimental Mode option
  • New support portal: (more info at: )

Dedicated Server Features

  • Special thanks goes to rexxar, Jimmacle, and Equinox for their great ideas about the server admin tool features.
  • Nicer and faster DS GUI
  • Server password feature
  • Auto Restart feature
  • Auto Update feature
  • Message of the Day, Message of the Day URL
  • Administrators slots, player reserved slots
  • DS GUI Steam client integration for easier setup
  • Remote Client in DS GUI and standalone VRage Remote Client
  • Email notifications
  • Server profiles
  • New +stop (server) command for administrators
  • New /report command for players (works with Remote Client)
  • Server side plugins API with management in DS GUI
  • Allows multiple plugins for DS
  • Wipe world feature - administrator can set save, which can be used to reset the world
  • DS GUI Actions - administrator can stop/restart with delay and message in the chat
  • Trash Removal changes and new features
  • Settings are part of the world now
  • Player inactivity threshold
  • Optimal grid count
  • Adaptive simulation quality feature
  • Updated dedicated server and Remote API guide:

Fixes: Crash Fixes

  • Fixed voxel related crashes
  • Fixed crash when loading wrong mod
  • Fixed crash when copy-pasting certain grid
  • Fixed crash with looping Sound Block
  • Fixed crash when using illegal characters in the world name
  • Fixed crash when Content folder is missing
  • Fixed crash when changing Entity name using F11 menu

Functional Fixes and changes

  • Special thanks goes to Malware for his Programmable Block Additions: MyIni (instructions here) and MyCommandLine (instructions here)
  • Improved performance during collisions
  • Improved piston and merge block collisions
  • Improved performance of Ore Detector
  • Support for dependencies of mods
  • Steam Cloud support for blueprints (setting in Game Options)
  • Local blueprints folders support
  • Player can kick out other disconnected player from any seat/cockpit
  • Added General Data Protection Regulation dialog and setting in Game Options
  • Fixed desync issues with Refinery
  • Fixed desync issues with inventory of player
  • Fixed asteroid becoming desynced and not disappearing when removed through Entity list
  • Fixed Drills getting desynced when accessed with "Can use all terminals" rights
  • Fixed removed block leaves physically occupied space on DS
  • Fixed Star System being loaded instead of selected worlds on DS
  • Fixed Conveyor system not being functional after joining DS
  • Fixed asteroid disappearing after pasting another one on DS
  • Fixed voxel changes not being visible on pasted planet on DS after reconnect
  • Fixed falling through voxel when drilling on DS
  • Fixed ownership switching between entities on DS and MP
  • Fixed not being able to leave faction selection in Dead Drop Arena on DS
  • Fixed copy-pasting at large coordinates
  • Fixed grid exploding after turning of the merge block
  • Fixed despawning of the Respawn ships
  • Fixed dead body affecting ship's physics
  • Fixed exiting seats or cockpit sometimes kills the player
  • Fixed rifle shooting in a wrong direction
  • Fixed drones not spawning in Campaign Mission 5
  • Fixed ship not being controllable after unmerging
  • Fixed player being disconnected after pasting specific blueprint
  • Fixed deleting occupied Cockpit with right mouse button kills the player inside
  • Fixed sliding of player on rotating ship
  • Fixed player being disconnected after pasting Empty Voxel Map
  • Fixed engineer not being able to destroy block he stands on by Rifle
  • Fixed spectator pasting blueprints to 0,0,0 coordinates
  • Fixed exiting camera while using remote control
  • Fixed blocks not being affected by gravity in some cases
  • Fixed remembering angle of headlamp when entering Cockpit
  • Fixed Remote Control autopilot flying at 15m/s at planet
  • Fixed cars exploding when using inertia tensor
  • Fixed player being tilted after deactivating jetpack in the gravity
  • Fixed changing component mass does not affects block mass
  • Fixed Landing Gear unlocking when the grid is being updated
  • Fixed Turrets keep shooting even when the target does not meet conditions for a target anymore
  • Fixed player not being removed from the server after client crash
  • Fixed building mode focus info when sitting in small ship's Cockpit
  • Fixed Rocky ore deposits on planets providing exclusively iron
  • Fixed updating of ship welder/grinder aim
  • Fixed Grinder affecting attached rotor
  • Fixed disconnected subgrids not losing power
  • Fixed Camera block not reporting accurate power usage
  • Fixed grids being affected by floating items in artificial gravity
  • Fixed Collector's position not being updated in the world
  • Fixed Cargo Container not dropping items when destroyed
  • Fixed Welder sparks are not disappearing when blocks are finished or components run out
  • Fixed Thruster light not vanishing at distant ships
  • Fixed removing of redundant armor edges
  • Fixed wrong warning message when controlling grid with Remote Control and Cockpit present
  • Fixed "Show hidden blocks" button stops working after grid separation
  • Fixed HUD markers in close proximity not collapsing into summarized one
  • Fixed long names for voxel files

Graphic Fixes and Changes

  • Decreased values for intensity of sun, bloom and chromatic aberration
  • Shadow LOD optimizations
  • Improved Armor Blocks deformations
  • Tweaked Jump Drive effect
  • Added particle effect for ships near grid
  • Optimizations for particles in distance
  • Fixed Voxels and their LODs at large coordinates
  • Fixed LODs showing different blocks at certain range
  • Fixed Advanced Rotor head's LOD
  • Fixed missing damage particles on DS
  • Fixed camera clipping into rifle at falling and jumping
  • Fixed wrong camera distance after reloading of scene
  • Fixed Ship Grinder playing spinning animation even without power
  • Fixed interior of Cockpit being rendered over modded blocks
  • Fixed damaged blocks not updating its shape to fit new blocks
  • Fixed Cockpit build mode not showing ghost block preview when aiming at the same grid
  • Fixed see-through broken deformations of small blocks
  • Fixed multiple skins having wrong color
  • Fixed animations when switching between aimed rifle and tools
  • Fixed missing astronaut's head when using Remote Control and sitting on Passenger Seat

UI Fixes, Improvements

  • Pause client in MP, when there is connection issue
  • Server list - added recommended server, password and experimental icons
  • Advanced server filter - password is three state now (with, without and both)
  • Message of the Day in Respawn screen (multiplayer feature)
  • Redesigned Respawn screen
  • Server name in F3 screen
  • Added sorting to F3 screen
  • Added ping information to F3 screen
  • CTRL-X changes - can be used only by owner of the grid, faction leader or admin
  • CTRL-C notification on success or fail
  • Campaign tab renamed to Quickstart
  • Easy Start Space scenario in Quickstart
  • Faction management (UI in terminal panel) is available for server administrators
  • Improved Entity list interactions
  • Adjusted tooltip at Spotlight's "Blink Length"
  • Adjusted HUD chat alignment
  • Fixed capital G to g as a symbol for standard gravity
  • Adjusted position of wrong value warning message in terminal
  • Fixed remembering checkboxes in Admin Tools
  • Fixed Refresh button in Join Game screen, in Friends tab showing "Pause"
  • Fixed tooltip in Save As dialog
  • Fixed objects being present in terminal info tab even after removing
  • Fixed Remote Control setting "Main remote control" being possible to activate with multiple Remote Control blocks selected
  • Fixed text in Color Picker
  • Fixed some inconsistencies in New Game screen
  • Fixed updating of max. players value in F3 screen
  • Fixed displaying of formatted text pasted into terminal
  • Fixed scenario selection on DS being empty
  • Fixed letter I on HUD (inventory) changing its position depending on screen aspect ratio
  • Redesigned Spawn Menu (shift+F10)
  • Space Master renamed to Admin Tools (alt+F10)
  • Redesigned Admin Tools - cycle objects, entity list, admin tools, trash removal
  • Refresh button in entity list (admin tools)
  • Sorting by PCU in entity list (admin tools)
  • Added owner last login to grid tooltip (entity list)
  • New Safe Zone UI (alt+F10)
  • New Global permissions (alt+F10)
  • Loading a blueprint (F10) automatically starts the pasting process (skips the need to press ctrl+V)
  • Sorting of F11 statistics
  • Icon (over head) for disconnected player
  • New tooltip for Continue button in Main menu
  • Fixed voice chat icon duplicate showing up on DS

20/07/2018 Hotfix 1.187.088

  • crash fix in spiders/wolves
  • crash fixes in multiplayer
  • fixed random DS switching to experimental mode
  • fixed damage system events for mods

24/07/2018 Hotfix 1.187.089

  • fixed multithread crashes
  • fixed crash in Mods screen
  • fixed crash in DS GUI
  • fixed crash when closing the terminal on DS
  • fixed timeout when connecting to server with a lot of mods
  • fixed issue where characters were not being removed by trash removal
  • fixed issue with overlapping dialog when downloading mods