
From Space Engineers Wiki
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Hello world!

My name is Lexmechanic. Well, that's my alias during my online activities rather. But I'm sure you'd gathered that. As and admin and fellow editor, my goal for the Space Engineers Wiki is to gather useful information and present it in an accessible manner!

Beloved things

My favourite part of the game, at present, is intercepting and exploring all the pre-built ships. I've had fun remodelling and repurposing my captured vessels. And looting their cargo holds. The various mining cargo ships are my favourites, because capturing one is like opening a gift. You get the full package of raw ores, usually a refinery or two onboard, and lots of interesting parts for salvage!

Despised things

I very rarely have gravity active in ships. As a result, I very much dislike doors. It's too much trouble rolling to the right angle and making sure my feet (or head) are flush to the floor. By the same token, passageways are horrible for me. The first thing I do with a captured ship is tear off all the doors. Followed closely by grinding away as many passageways and interior walls as possible to open up some free space! I would honestly prefer a gaping hole in the side of my ship to any kind of constricted opening.