Uranium Heist Scenario

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An aerial view of the Uranium Heist arena
An aerial view of the Uranium Heist arena

Challenge your friends in a well-programmed coop/PvP infantry battle arena! This scenario is intended to be played by three competing factions, Red, Green, and Blue, with four players each. Even though this scenario is a testing ground for hand-held weapons from the Warfare 1 Update, shooting everyone does not win you the game. You can only win if you cooperate with your team mates and complete the objectives within the time limit.

Should I play it?

The scenario has clearly explained objectives and is suitable for beginners who have completed at least The First Jump Scenario. Intermediate and advanced players will have the slight advantage of recognising items/blocks more quickly, and maybe having more experience with shooting.


The arena is roughly shaped like a Reuleaux triangle and floats above the void. The lobby floats above the center of the map like a flying saucer.

Players start in the lobby with tools, a pistol with ammo, and 1 Medkit. When twelve players have joined, they get divided up and beamed down into the three faction headquarters.

On the map you will find your broken escape pod, your faction assembler, randomly appearing materials/weapons/ammo. Uranium spawns in one location only. Jetpacks are disabled!


A close-up view of the Uranium Heist arena
A close-up view of the Uranium Heist arena

The scenario has multiple strategic objectives that all contribute to winning.

  • Be the first faction to repair (weld) your escape pod.
    • Gather materials and assemble repair components in your faction's assembler.
  • Collect the most Uranium from the map center and fuel your escape pod.
    • Protect your allies who are carrying Uranium, they cannot run and their position is revealed.
  • Unlock (weld) jump pads, doors, efficiency modules, speed modules, and ladders in your team's favour.
  • Prevent enemy factions from completing the same objectives.

... all while staying within the time limit.


The save game of a Uranium Heist instance is called "Warfare" which fits the Warfare 1 Update with which it was released.

The main difficulty with this scenario is unfortunately finding enough players. Whenever someone creates a public instance, they need to wait for twelve players, otherwise the match won't even start, so better coordinate with a group of 3, 6, 9, or 12 friends. To get the game started with an arbitrary number of players connected, an Admin can use the Factions screen to Add NPCs to factions to artificially fulfill the starting requirements of 12 players. (No NPCs will actually be participating though.)