In Space Engineers, Titan is the moon of the Alien Planet. It's a medium difficult start location. Titan can make a good location for deep space operations: Both ice and ores are easily found, and given Titan's light gravity, lift-off is easy. The music ambience on Titan is alien, dangerous, and mysterious.
Titan is a flat, almost featureless, Mars-like desert with icy craters and cyan lakes filled with ice (the game files call it Methane).
There is just enough of an atmosphere to use wind turbines, but not enough oxygen to breathe without helmet. The temperature is freezing cold and there is a thin cloud layer. The most common non-clear weather is dust storms and sand storms similar to Mars, and rarely fog.
Parachutes and atmospheric thrusters work but are not really necessary due to the low gravity.
In real life, Titan is the name of one of many moons of planet Saturn.
- Diameter: 19km
- Low surface gravity of 0.25g.
- Gravity extends to 3km height.
- Weak atmosphere with no oxygen.
- No flora, but possibly fauna
- Iron, Nickel, Silicon
- Cobalt, Silver, Magnesium
- Ice in surface lakes and underground
- Gold
- Platinum
Spoiler warning!
This article or section contains details about the game which players may be intended to discover on their own!
If you have chosen to enable "Spiders" in the world settings, you will find Titan inhabited by green Sabiroids.