Talk:Remote Control/@comment-

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so, heres something i wanted to try, didnt work. did i do something wrong? please tell met if you find whats not working

so me and my freinds were thinking about a survival fight, we had time to prepear though so i wanted to place spying cameras around his place.

simple design, remote controll , one truster for each direction, gyroscope, antenna, solar power, camera, sensor with a warhead to explode it should it be found.

the plan was to make a chain link out of these,  so that i would controll drone "A" and then controll drone "B" throu "A" and drone "C" throu drone "B".

or just let the signal travel frome drone to drone, whatever the game would exept.

sadly , no matter how the drones were set up as soon as drone "C" left the radius of drone "A" it would drop dead, drone "B" changing jack shit.

is there a way to do this? also can you hide drones/antennas from enemys so they dont see the signal? if someon would answer that'd be great