Moon Drop Pod

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The moon drop pod has wheels and a cockpit

The Moon Drop Pod or Moon Rover is a variant of the standard respawn Drop Pod.

How to obtain

This respawn pod only appears if you select Moon as start location in a Star System sandbox game.

The respawn screen

Differences to the standard Drop Pod

The purpose of this special drop is to ease survival on moons with low gravity and no atmosphere.

Since the Moon is a hard-difficulty start location with no atmosphere, the Moon Rover comes with a full cockpit for life support. It's equipped with a Parachute Hatch, but the parachute never opens and the canvas inside is unused.

Moon Drop Pod in front of the rising Earthlike Planet

Despite being built with the same set of atmospheric thrusters as the standard drop pod, moon rovers are not capable of flight on the airless moon. The thrusters are switched off in the control panel, you can dismantle them for parts. Your only flight options is to use the one downwards-facing hydrogen thruster to fly helicopter-style.

Instead of using thrusters, it comes with four wheels and drives like a normal rover. There are drivable planes on the moon, interspersed with steep mountains and cratered surfaces, that a rover best circumvents. Be wary of catching air when driving over a hill; use the gyroscope (mouse or arrow keys) to correct your pitch and roll angle, so you land on your wheels.


Most usage tips on the Drop Pod page apply to the Moon Rover as well.


  • Mass: 14,611 kg
  • 197 blocks
  • PCU: 1336
  • 15 comveyors

Functional Blocks

  • Antenna
  • Battery
  • Beacon
  • Cockpit
  • O2 H2 Generator
  • Ore Detector
  • Survival Kit
  • Timer block (not configured)
  • 2x Spotlights
  • 2x Interior Lights
  • 2x Corner Lights


  • Gyroscope
  • 4x Wheel Suspension 3x3
  • 4x Atmospheric Thruster
  • 1x Hydrogen Thruster
  • Parachute Hatch (unused)


  • S-10 Pistol
  • S-10 Pistol Magazine
  • Oxygen bottle
  • Hydrogen bottle
  • 1000 kg Ice
  • Canvas


Judging by the blue colour scheme, these emergency pods are possibly produced by the Sol Cooperative faction.