Block Type Support

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An overview of certain feature support that is used by multiple blocks but not all of them support it, like conveyor network connection and LCD.

For inventories, all block types support it (including plain CubeBlock) via EntityComponents+EntityContainers sbc.

List of block types as of v1.204.018:

Conveyor = Can connect to conveyor network (only if model has conveyor ports).
LCD = Supports having LCDs (<ScreenAreas>).
LCD ModFix = Can use Fix LCD support mod.
LCD ModFix+Caution = Can use the above mod but it might break some functionality (because the block already has a custom render component).
- = Does not have that thing.

TypeId Conveyor LCD
AdvancedDoor - LCD ModFix
AirtightHangarDoor - LCD ModFix
AirtightSlideDoor - LCD ModFix
AirVent Conveyor LCD ModFix+Caution
Assembler Conveyor LCD
BasicMissionBlock - LCD ModFix
BatteryBlock - LCD ModFix
Beacon - LCD ModFix
BroadcastController - LCD ModFix
ButtonPanel - LCD
CameraBlock - LCD ModFix
CargoContainer Conveyor -
Cockpit Conveyor LCD
Collector Conveyor LCD ModFix
ContractBlock Conveyor LCD
Conveyor Conveyor -
ConveyorConnector Conveyor -
ConveyorSorter Conveyor LCD ModFix
CryoChamber Conveyor LCD
Decoy - LCD ModFix
DefensiveCombatBlock - LCD ModFix
Door - LCD ModFix
Drill Conveyor LCD ModFix+Caution
EmissiveBlock - -
EmotionControllerBlock - LCD
EventControllerBlock - LCD ModFix
ExhaustBlock - LCD ModFix
ExtendedPistonBase Conveyor LCD ModFix
FlightMovementBlock - LCD ModFix
FunctionalBlock - LCD ModFix
GravityGenerator - LCD ModFix
GravityGeneratorSphere - LCD ModFix
Gyro - LCD ModFix
HeatVentBlock - LCD ModFix+Caution
HydrogenEngine Conveyor LCD ModFix+Caution
InteriorLight - LCD ModFix+Caution
InteriorTurret - LCD ModFix+Caution
Jukebox - LCD
JumpDrive - LCD ModFix (but does not work)
Kitchen - -
Ladder2 - -
LandingGear - LCD ModFix
LargeGatlingTurret Conveyor LCD ModFix+Caution
LargeMissileTurret Conveyor LCD ModFix
LaserAntenna - LCD ModFix
LCDPanelsBlock - LCD
MedicalRoom Conveyor LCD
MergeBlock - LCD ModFix
MotorAdvancedRotor Conveyor -
MotorAdvancedStator Conveyor LCD ModFix
MotorRotor - -
MotorStator Conveyor LCD ModFix
MotorSuspension - LCD ModFix
MyProgrammableBlock - LCD
OffensiveCombatBlock - LCD ModFix
OreDetector - LCD ModFix
OxygenFarm Conveyor LCD ModFix
OxygenGenerator Conveyor LCD ModFix
OxygenTank Conveyor LCD ModFix
Parachute Conveyor LCD ModFix
Passage - -
PathRecorderBlock - LCD ModFix
PistonTop Conveyor -
Planter - -
Projector - LCD
RadioAntenna - LCD ModFix
Reactor Conveyor LCD ModFix
Refinery Conveyor LCD
ReflectorLight - LCD ModFix+Caution
RemoteControl - -
SafeZoneBlock Conveyor LCD
Searchlight - LCD ModFix+Caution
SensorBlock - LCD ModFix
ShipConnector Conveyor LCD ModFix
ShipGrinder Conveyor LCD ModFix+Caution
ShipWelder Conveyor LCD ModFix
SmallGatlingGun Conveyor LCD ModFix+Caution
SmallMissileLauncher Conveyor LCD ModFix
SmallMissileLauncherReload Conveyor LCD ModFix
SolarPanel - LCD ModFix
SoundBlock - LCD ModFix
SpaceBall - LCD ModFix
StoreBlock Conveyor LCD
SurvivalKit Conveyor LCD
TargetDummyBlock Conveyor - (whitelist prevents it)
TerminalBlock - -
TextPanel - LCD
Thrust Conveyor LCD ModFix+Caution
TimerBlock - LCD ModFix
TransponderBlock - LCD ModFix
TurretControlBlock - LCD
UpgradeModule - LCD ModFix
VendingMachine Conveyor LCD
VirtualMass - LCD ModFix
Warhead - -
Wheel - -
WindTurbine - LCD ModFix+Caution