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Changes Relevant for Server Admins

These changes also affect the ModAPI.
  • 1.203.505
    • World settings got <EnableTrashSettingsPlatformOverride>, game's description of it: "Enable trash settings to be overriden by console specific settings"
    • <SyncDistance> is capped to 2000 for crossplay dedicated servers.
    • <ViewDistance> gets capped to 7000 for console clients (not sure what that means if it's larger and a PC player joins, they probably don't have it capped?).
  • New session settings (sandbox_config.sbc)
    • UpdateRespawnDictionary = false
      Unknown, but it is set to true in the Space Standoff scenario.
    • BlueprintShare = true Allows players to share blueprints with other online players (players can also turn it off for themselves in game settings).
    • BlueprintShareTimeout = 30 Timeout between sharing blueprints.
    • PrefetchShapeRayLengthLimit = 15000 Max distance weapons can interact with voxels.
    • EnemyTargetIndicatorDistance = 20 Max distance to show enemy character indicator when aiming at them.

SBC Modding & 3D Modelling

These changes also affect the ModAPI.
  • 1.203.505
  • Breaking changes:
    • Missile ammo definition's <MissileRicochetAngle> was replaced by <MissileMinRicochetAngle> and <MissileMaxRicochetAngle>.
    • Missile ammo definition's <MissileRicochetProbability> was replaced by <MissileMinRicochetProbability> and <MissileMaxRicochetProbability>.
  • New Entity Components: RotatingSubpartComponent, RandomMovementSubpartComponent, ParticleEntityComponent, LcdSurfaceComponent, MultiTextPanelComponent.
  • Weapon definition's <MissileAmmoData tag got RicochetSoundName attribute.
  • Block definitions got <WheelPlacementCollider> tag (see wheel blocks).
  • Block definition's <MountPoint tag got CouplingTag and AllowCouplingWithItself attributes. See SBC tags/features @ Mountpoints features
  • TextPanel block definition got <MaterialNamesToHideWhenOffline> (see Holo LCD).
  • TurretControlBlock block definition got:
    • <PidGainProportional> = 1.1
    • <PidGainIntegral> = 0.5
    • <PidGainDerivative> = 0.005
    • <PidGainFilter> = 1
  • DefensiveCombatBlock block definition got:
    • <FleeDistanceMin> = 1
    • <FleeDistanceMax> = 50000
    • <EvasiveManeuverAngleMin> = 0
    • <EvasiveManeuverAngleMax> = 90
    • <EvasiveManeuverIntervalRangeMin> = 1
    • <EvasiveManeuverIntervalRangeMax> = 30
  • Cockpit and CryoChamber definitions got <CharacterAnimations> (see decorative pack 3).
  • Beacon block definition got <EnableLight> (defaults true).
  • TargetLockingComponent and TargetLockingBlockComponent got:
    • <LockingModifierCharacter> = 2
    • <LockingTimeMinCharacter> = 1
    • <LockingTimeMaxCharacter> = 10
    • <LockingModifierDistanceCharacter> = 10

Programmable Block API

These changes also affect the ModAPI.
  • New objects:
    • IMyComponentContainer (replaces the MyComponentContainer in block.Components).
  • block.Components.TryGet<T>() now supports inputting interfaces (Get<T>() still does not).
  • Obsolete methods and properties were removed from IMyTextPanel.
  • Vector3/D.Angle() was fixed to clamp the value before calling Acos().


Check the other sections too because they all affect ModAPI.
  • 1.203.505
    • MyExplosionFlags got FORCE_CUSTOM_END_OF_LIFE_EFFECT.
    • MyParticlesManager.TryCreateParticleEffect() got a int keepXFramesAhead = 0 parameter.
    • MyExplosionInfo got GetCueByExplosionType() and GetExplosionEffect().
    • MyExplosionInfoSimplified got CustomSound field.
    • MySoundPair got GetCueName().
  • New objects:
    • IMyEntityComponentContainer
    • IMyResourceSinkComponent
    • IMyLcdSurfaceComponent
    • IMyMultiTextPanelComponentOwner
    • IMyRenderWithLights
    • MyCustomRenderEntitySubpart<T>
  • VRage.Game.Components.Interfaces is now whitelisted.
  • MyUpdateOrchestrator was removed.
  • PathUtils got EnsureSafePath() WARNING: it only works for appdata folder or game data folder, it will NOT allow from published mod folders.
  • MyObjectBuilderSerializer methods got changed to check PathUtils.EnsureSafePath().
  • MyLog now only allows Init() in specific folders (see PathUtils.EnsureSafePath()).
  • DictionaryExtensions got GetValueOrNew().
  • MyEntityUpdateEnum got EACH_FRAME_AFTER; EntityFlags got NeedsUpdateAfter; MyParallelUpdateFlags got EACH_FRAME_AFTER.
  • MyEntity:
    • Changed Components prop to IMyEntityComponentContainer type.
    • Added ctor(bool testingPurpouses) and InitComponentsForTesting().
    • Added OnDebugDraw event.
    • Added protected virtual void BeforeGameLogicInit().
    • Changed InstantiateSubpart() to use the first non-null entity given.
    • Added OnModelRefresh event (was since 202 but somehow missed it).
  • IMyCockpit got AttachPilot(IMyCharacter, int animation) overload.
  • IMyOffensiveCombatHitAndRun got GetFirstWeaponForwardVector delegate.
  • IMyShipConnector got DetachFinished event.
  • IMyTargetingCapableBlock got SetLockedTarget(IMyCharacter).
  • MyBlockVariantGroup got HasNewContent() and MarkAsViewedContent().
  • MyCubeBlockDefinitionGroup and MyGuiBlockCategoryDefinition got CreateNewContentNotificator().
  • MyVisualScriptLogicProvider got ChangeDoorState().
  • MyRenderComponentPlanet (which is internal) got override for RemoveRenderObjects() (which is accessible from MyRenderComponent/Base).
  • MyRenderComponentScreenAreas got HideScreenArea(int).
  • IMyUpdateOrchestrator got GetStats(), StatsFilter, StatsViewDirFilter, ClearStats().
  • MyAutopilotWaypoint got IsCorrectRotationNeeded, static AreEqualByResultCoordinates().
  • MyCockpit.AttachPilot() got int seed parameter (which is the seating animation).
  • MyCubeGrid:
    • Added MassSyncProperty prop and OnGridMarkedDirty event.
    • Removed DebugDrawRange() and DebugDrawPositions().
  • MyGamePruningStructure got GetAproximateDynamicClustersForSizeDebug().
  • MyPlanet got GetHeightFromSurface().
  • MySafeZone got IsActionAllowed(MySafeZoneAction, long, BoundingBoxD?, BoundingSphereD?, Vector3D?) (and something similar for MySessionComponentSafeZones too),
  • MyShipController got AreBreaksOn, PreviousController, SetLockedTarget(IMyCharacter).
  • MyVoxelBase got IsAnyOfPointInside().
  • IMyTargetLockingComponent got MyEntity TargetEntity and MyCubeGrid Target was marked obsolete.
  • MyGridTargeting got TrackedCharactersChanged event; SetLockedGrids() was renamed to SetLockedGridsOrCharacters().
  • MyIngameScriptComponent replaced NextUpdate with UpdateFrequency.
  • MyLightingLogic got IsPreview.
  • MyDefinitionManager got TryGetContainerDefinition() and TryGetComponentDefinition().
  • MyDefinitionId got static DropToStringCache().
  • MyDefinitionBase got CheckDefinitionDLCs().
  • BoundingBox got IsBetween().
  • MyDynamicAABBTreeD got GetAproximateClustersForAabbDebug().

This was adapted from the original on Digi's SE-ModScript-Examples wiki.