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Changes Relevant for Server Admins

These changes also affect the ModAPI.
  • 1.202.124 additions:
    • Dedicated server config (IMyDedicatedConfig) got RemoteApiIP.
  • 1.202.112 additions:
    • Dedicated server config (IMyDedicatedConfig) had string WorldPlatform replaced with bool CrossPlatform.
  • World settings got (MyAPIGateway.Session.SessionSettings):
    • EnableSpaceSuitRespawn=true (Enables player to respawn in space suit)
    • MatchRestartWhenEmptyTime=0 (Server will restart after specified time [minutes], when it's empty after match started. Works only in PvP scenarios. When 0 feature is disabled.)
    • EnableFactionVoiceChat=false (Faction Voice Chat removes the need of antennas and broadcasting of the character for faction.)
    • EnableOrca=true (Enable advanced Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance)
    • MaxProductionQueueLength=50 (Maximum allowed length of a production queue. Can affect performance.)

SBC Modding & 3D Modelling

These changes also affect the ModAPI.
  • 1.202.112 additions:
    • Fonts (folder) got 3 new characters (the platform icons) which are added before every player's name.
    • Fonts.sbc got a SwappedPath attribute per <Path> tag which is used in PlayStation when "AreEnterBackButtonsSwapped" which is never true on PC (also we don't have the XML they point to, gonna be tricky for mod.io font mods).
  • New block types:
    • EventControllerBlock (CubeBlocks_Automation.sbc)
    • PathRecorderBlock (CubeBlocks_Automation.sbc)
    • BasicMissionBlock (CubeBlocks_Automation.sbc)
    • FlightMovementBlock (CubeBlocks_Automation.sbc)
    • DefensiveCombatBlock (CubeBlocks_Automation.sbc)
    • OffensiveCombatBlock (CubeBlocks_Automation.sbc)
    • EmotionControllerBlock (CubeBlocks_GridAiPack.sbc)
  • All block definitions got:
    • <EnableUseObjectSimpleTargeting> (bool, defaults false) which if set true I think ignores the visual model when targetting an UseObject (terminal, inventory, etc)
    • <MechanicalTopInitialPlacementOffset> (Vector3, defaults null) which is used only by rotors/pistons/suspensions to offset the top part spawn point, used by 2x2 suspensions.
  • Camera block got a camera dummy option which is used for position offset only (no rotation).
  • AirVent definition got <RotationSpeed>, <SpinUpSpeed>, <SpinDownSpeed>.
    • these are for the new rotating subpart support, which grabs the very first subpart it finds no matter the name.
  • Missile ammo definition got <MissileRicochetAngle> (float, -1, degrees), <MissileRicochetDamage> (float, 0), <MissileRicochetProbability> (float, 0)
    • Ricochet guide.
  • EntityComponents got a <RemoveExistingComponentOnNewInsert> (bool, true), where setting it false allows this component to be used multiple times on the same entity.

Programmable Block API

These changes also affect the ModAPI.
  • Detailed info got color support (bottom right in terminal):
    • [color=#AARRGGBB] for custom colors (in hex format), [/color] closing tag.
    • surround with [ and ] for yellow.
    • to print [ or ] without coloring, use [[ or ]].
  • New objects:
    • IMyEventControllerBlock
    • IMyOffensiveCombatBlock
    • IMyDefensiveCombatBlock
    • IMyBasicMissionBlock
    • IMyFlightMovementBlock
    • IMyPathRecorderBlock
    • IMyEmotionControllerBlock
    • IMySearchlight
    • IMyWindTurbine
    • and a few others that are accessible from the interfaces above.
  • IMyOxygenTank was removed (it was obsolete for several years).
  • IMyThrust got CurrentThrustPercentage.
  • IMyPistonBase got NormalizedPosition.
  • IMyTurretControlBlock got IsSunTrackerEnabled.
  • IMyShipConnector's IsConnected is no longer tagged obsolete.
  • IMyCubeGrid got LinearVelocity and Speed (accessible via block.CubeGrid).
  • IMyInventory got VolumeFillFactor.
  • Vector3D&Vector3 got a static Angle().
  • ⚠️ Caution: Vector3D&Vector3 got an instanced Normalized() which returns Vector3[D].Normalize(this), easily mistaken for Normalize() which mutates the vector.
  • ⚠️ Caution: Vector2 and Vector2D are now implicitly castable (accidental precision loss).
  • BoundingBoxD&MyOrientedBoundingBoxD got GetCorner().


Check the other sections too because they all affect ModAPI.
  • 1.202.112 additions:
    • MyEntity got UpdateDuration (get only, overrideable by custom entity classes).
    • MyRenderComponentBase.TextureChanges (Entity.Render) changed from string key to MyStringId key.
    • [I]MyEntity.SetTextureChangesForSubparts() changed its dictionary parameter from string key to MyStringId key. NOTE: the previous method still exists and it allocates a new dictionary!
    • IMyDedicatedConfig had string WorldPlatform replaced with bool CrossPlatform.
    • MyLog got ReportCodeLine().
    • MyUtils got GetFixedInvalidFileNameChars() and GetFixedInvalidPathChars().
  • New objects:
    • IMyStoredPowerRatio (cast a power-storing block or component to it).
    • IMyComponentStack (access from IMySlimBlock.ComponentStack).
    • MyModAPINaturalGravityComponent, IMyModAPINaturalGravityComponent, IMyNaturalGravityComponent (see MyAPIGateway.GravityProviderSystem).
    • MyAutopilotComponent
    • IMyEventControllerEntityComponent, IMyEventComponentWithGui
    • IMyWorkAreaTool (cast ship tools to it)
  • MyFakes.ENABLE_TYPES_FROM_MODS was set to true which means custom OBs can be declared in mods.
  • PathUtils.GetFilesRecursively() was added... ⚠️ it restricts to local mods folder and user folder only, it won't work after mod is published.
  • MyAPIGateway.GravityProviderSystem was added which can get/add/remove gravity providers.
  • MyGamePruningStructure.Instance was added which cloned all methods there, can't tell if there's new stuff.
  • MyRadioBroadcasters was made public.
  • MyCubeGrid changes:
    • ColorBlocks() and SkinBlocks() lost the validateOwnership arg.
    • ColorGridOrBlockRequestValidation() lost its player arg.
    • ContainerOpened() and CompetetiveContainerOpened() got an entityId arg.
    • lost 2 overloads of BuildBlockRequest(), lost RequestSetToConstruction().
    • lost a bunch of methods regarding multiblocks (which is not a supported SE feature anyway).
    • got ChangePowerProducerState(), BlocksWaitingOnAttachUpdate, InternalInitFinished, NaturalGravity, LockedByCount.
    • got GetConnectedGrids(GridLinkTypeEnum, Action\<MyCubeGrid\>), MechanicalConnectionBlockAttachUpdateStatusChanged().
    • got static ShowAiInfo.
    • got events: OnMinMaxChanged, OnConnectionChangeCompleted, OnTargetLockLost, OnDeschedule.
  • IMyCubeGrid got GetMaxThrustInDirection(), RvoAgentId, IsBlockTrasferInProgress, NaturalGravity.
  • IMyCubeGrid got events: OnGridBlockDamaged, OnTargetLocked, OnNaturalGravityChanged, SpeedChanged, OnMaxThrustChanged, OnBlockIntegrityChanged.
  • IMyGridControlSystem got CurrentShipController (accessible from grid.ControlSystem).
  • IMyGridGasSystem got ForcePressurize (accessible from grid.GasSystem; NOTE: server-side only).
  • IMySlimBlock got ComponentStack, BlockGeneralDamageModifier, IsMovedBySplit.
  • MyCubeBlock's ResourceSink setter is now accessible, got GetEmissiveStateHashFromComponent, OnUpdateBeforenextFrame events.
  • IMyCubeBlock got CubeGridChanged event.
  • IMyTerminalBlock got IsDetailedInfoDirty, ClearDetailedInfo(), GetDetailedInfo(), SetDetailedInfoDirty().
  • IMyControllableEntity got IsAutopilotControlled, RelativeDampeningDistance and RelativeDampeningTarget.
  • MyRemoteControl has a billion changes...
  • MyShipController's Priority getter was made public.
  • IMyCockpit got, IsOccupied, IsOccupiedChanged.
  • MyDoorBase got OpenChanged event.
  • IMyDoor got OnDoorOpen, OnDoorClosed events.
  • IMyThrust got ThrustChanged event.
  • IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock got OnAttachedChanged event.
  • IMyMotorStator got AngleChanged event.
  • IMyPistonBase got NormalizedPositionChanged event.
  • IMyShipConnector got IsConnectedChanged and AttachFinished events.
  • IMyShipMergeBlock got MergeStateChanged event.
  • IMyPowerProducer got CurrentOutputRatioChanged event.
  • IMyStoreBlock got CreateStoreItem() (4 overloads), GetStoreItems(), GetStoreItemById(), InsertStoreItem(), RemoveStoreItem().
  • IMyInventory got OnVolumeChanged event.
  • IMyCharacter got CharacterGeneralDamageModifier.
  • IMyConfigDedicated got DedicatedId.
  • MyEntities got IsShapePenetrating() (which we cannot use because it asks for HkShape).
  • MyEntities' TestPlaceInSpace() got 2 new args.
  • MyGridTargeting got many changes.
  • MyPhysics.CollisionLayers got OpenableSubpartLayer (4).
  • MyVisualScriptLogicProvider got TriggerTimerBlockForNonFriendlyPlayer(), GetPlayerRespawnPoints(), GoToPostMatchState(), ReportMatchEndToAnalytics(), SetScenarioWinTypeForAnalytics().
  • Setting MyEntity.Name now automatically calls MyEntitiesInterface.SetEntityName().
  • Billboard reflections now work:

This was adapted from the original on Digi's SE-ModScript-Examples wiki.