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SBC Modding & 3D Modelling

These changes also affect the ModAPI.
  • Ammo got ExplosiveDamageMultiplier tag in its BasicProperties (not in the magazine)
  • All blocks got MirroringCenter (integer vector just like Center, default (Size-1)/2 ) and DestroyEffectScale (float, default 1)
  • All physical items got DestroySound (string, default empty)
  • New cube topology options for deformable armor (physical shapes):
    • RaisedSlopedCorner
    • SlopeTransition
    • SlopeTransitionBase
    • SlopeTransitionBaseMirrored
    • SlopeTransitionMirrored
    • SlopeTransitionTip
    • SlopeTransitionTipMirrored
    • SquareSlopedCornerBase
    • SquareSlopedCornerTip
    • SquareSlopedCornerTipInv
  • Character got Gender (used by cockpits, see below)
  • Cockpit got CharacterAnimationMale and CharacterAnimationFemale (string, default empty; the old tag is still used when gender or this respective tag is not defined)


Check the other sections too because they all affect ModAPI.
  • IMyEntityCapacitorComponent was added (used by railguns, get using: block.Components.GetAs<IMyEntityCapacitorComponent>() )
  • MyCubeGrid got:
    • GetOwnerLoginTimeSeconds(), GetOwnerLogoutTimeSeconds()
    • JumpWithWheels(), SendAbortJump(), RequestJump()
    • PlayParticleBroadcast(), StopSmoke(), IsSmokeParticleActive getter
    • ContainerOpened(), CompetetiveContainerOpened() (these should probably not be touched)
    • KillAllCharacters() got bool removePilot parameter
    • bool CloseGrid field (which seems unused)
  • My3DEntitySoundEmitter's PlaySound() got bool forcePlaySound parameter (which plays even if entity is not in scene, does nothing for non-entity emitter)
  • MyGunBase got User getter
  • MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.ReplicateEntityForClient() was removed (it was also empty in previous major so it did nothing anyway)
  • MyObjectBuilder_SessionSettings got EnableTeamScoreCounters (accessible via MyAPIGateway.Session.SessionSettings)
  • MyFontDefinition got static SplitIntoSameHeightStrings()
  • IMyEntity got StopPhysicsActivation get&set
  • IMyConfigDedicated got ChatAntiSpamEnabled, SameMessageTimeout, SpamMessagesTime, SpamMessagesTimeout
  • IMyCubeGrid got InvokeDepressurizeEffect() (synchronized)
  • Lots of interfaces got comments/xmldoc on them, some useful and some redundant

This was adapted from the original on Digi's SE-ModScript-Examples wiki.