Encounter Section F

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Encounter Section F

This is what the Section F looks like with the cover rebuilt from debris.

This is the most enigmatic Encounter. It consists of the main part of the section and its wreckage. The main part of the Section contains quarters, a service room, and an escape pod. The pod is shoots out when the sensor is triggered - crossing the red door. Then first the decorative cover that closes the hangar with the pod shoots away, and then the doors are closed and the pod thrusters are turned on. The hydrogen thrusters are powered by a O2/H2 Generator with a small amount of ice. The pod is designed to land in gravity: it contains an equipped parachute hatch. After landing, the pod can act as the starter ship: it contains a survival kit.


There are two versions of the Encounter which have a few differences:

  • This blueprint was created at a time when the DLC with bed and couch blocks had not yet been released.
    The old version used Passage blocks, while the new version uses beds.
  • The old version has only one passenger seat in the corridors, while the new version has two couches.
  • In the old version, the left command panel button ("lights") in the quarter works - it turns the lights on and off. In the new version this button does not work - it refers to a nonexistent group of lighting blocks.
  • The old version has a Gatling Turret on the roof, and the new version has an Interior Turret there.
  • Wrong Survival Kit placement in old Encounter version.
    In the old version the Survival Kit block is not positioned correctly (sideways) and is not connected by a junction to the O2/H2 Generator. In the new version, the block is positioned correctly.

The old version was noticed up to 04/04/2019 (maybe later).


The Section contains no notable cargo, only the Pod. Its Generators contain a small amount of ice and the Cargo Container contains a rifle with ammo, and O2/H2 bottles.

The Original Ship

According to the scheme of rooms, located on one of the LCD of Section F, it is only a small part of some base or ship. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Two versions of the Encounter legend are possible: this section was cut from a larger grid and heavily reworked, or it was originally made for this task and no other parts existed. There are several arguments for this version:

  • Assumed scheme of original grid with Section F
    The "F" label implies that sections A, B, C, D, E were also in the original blueprint, but the scheme on the section's LCD shows only three similar sections to the left of this one.
  • The shutters in the corridor do not provide an airtight seal, and the installation of sealed window from the outside is not possible due to the lack of blocks it could hold on to. At the same time, this part of the Section looks complete and undamaged from the outside.
  • A single sliding door from the inner passages leads to the service room. It is assumed that it has been sealed and filled with air, so a single door is sufficient. In this room there is a second exit with an airlock, as it leads to the hangar with Pod, which is not airtight. It turns out that this room should also be airtight and filled with air. However, under the stairs in front of the door there is a hole to the outside. It breaks the airtightness of the room.
  • It is supposed to extend the corridor beyond the existing ends of the section, but the pattern of armor blocks on its ends does not suggest airtightness.
  • The "E" section should be on the left, but the antenna is located there.
  • In the corridor, there are artificial cavities in the floor blocks, which indicate that this was part of the structure attached to another part.
  • It is possible to assemble a symmetrical (right side) part of the yellow cover from floating debris, however, one of them is an exact copy of the existing part and does not merge with the Section in any way.

Confirmation is found that the prototype for this Encounter is one of the Aragath stations. The screenshot shows an identical fragment of the base with the comment "hatch removed". Also this one is exactly Escape Pod section prototype.