Encounter Red

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Encounter Red (keelside): There may have been two symmetrical thruster pods on the stern, the starboard one has been destroyed

The Encounter Red is a large grid space wreck that can spawn if the "Random Encounters" option is enabled in your world. It belongs to the "Space Pirates" faction, and emits the "SPRT MAYDAY" beacon signal for one second every minute.

Description (spoilers)

Topside, you see a large broken antenna and exposed gyroscopes next to a missile launcher that is set to aim at large ships. Below the missile launcher is a hydrogen tank which could explode when shot by accident. The stern seems to have featured two large thrusters pods, of which only one side is still recogniseable. Another turret is hidden at the far end of the stern.

Inside, the ship has a central hangar with two large lateral doors, protected by lateral turrets. The hangar doors are short-circuiting, one opens and closes, and the other one is stuck half open. Watch out for defenses inside the hangar. Towards the stern, the hangar has a door to a broken staircase leading topside to a hidden airlock under the missile launcher and between the thruster pod(s). Towards the bow, the hangar has a door to a cargo floor.

Encounter Red (portside): One of the Hangar Doors is stuck open

The cargo floor's door leads to a crew deck in the bow, which is mostly destroyed. This crew deck contains a kitchen, beds, and a broken assembler, and --despite being called "med bay" in the terminal-- contains no Medical Room.

Up the stairs from the cargo room, the mid deck has lockers and a toilet and an LCD (which attempts to run an outdated inventory script?). Up another set of stairs, the top floor contains the bridge, which has been blown open on the starboard side. The LCD on the bridge displays ASCII art of cracked glass. Behind the bridge is another room with tools storage and two outside facing airlocks which are positioned above the hangar doors.


The ship has been "converted to station" (immobilised). If you want to drag it away or fly it, go to the Info Screen and turn it into a mobile ship first.

  • Advanced Assembler (incomplete)
  • 4 Air Vents (complete but rooms are decompressed)
  • 8 batteries (mostly intact)
  • 1 Flight Seat (incomplete)
  • 1 Laser Antenna (incomplete)
  • 1 Antenna (incomplete)
  • 1 Beacon MAYDAY
  • 1 O2/H2 Generator (named Oxygen Generator)
  • 25 Ion Thrusters (mostly incomplete), switched off
  • 1 landing gear
  • Programmable Block, 4 Timers, 1 Sensor
  • 1 Sound block

Block count: 751 (PCU cost: 5071)


If you manage to board it and take out the few turrets, this ship is a valuable find for a space-suit-only start, because it provides you with oxygen and hydrogen, but alas no Survival Kit. Be warned, this derelict looking wreck is still battery powered and armed with automatic 2 gatling turrets, 2 interior turrets, as well as a missile turret against large ships, so approach very carefully.

The ship is carrying mostly handheld tools and missiles, basic ammo, a small amount of ice, hydrogen and oxygen bottles, and a few power cells. In the cargo hold floats a disconnected cargo container (which does not show up in the conveyor system!) containing 10 kg Uranium.

Most of the Ion Thrusters have been severely damaged and the ship is not flyable. It could be repaired and the missing thruster pods, staircase, and airtight walls recreated. Or you can scrap it for ~100-150 thruster components.