Encounter MushStation

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The Encounter MushStation is a decommissioned space station which can spawn if the "Random Encounters" option is enabled in your world. You can find it by following the "SPRT MAYDAY" signal, which flashes on the player's HUD for 1s every minute, from a distance of 7-25 km.

The station is saucer shaped and contains only living/working quarters. Below the disc is a long, fragile protusion holding docking ports, solar panels, and tanks. On top of the disc is a gravity generator. The station's blue and white colour scheme is reminiscent of the Sol Cooperative faction.


Spoiler warning!
This article or section contains details about the game which players may be intended to discover on their own!

The station is rigged to shoot. After a scheduled decommissioning, there would be no reason for a space station to broadcast a mayday signal. Pirates found this abbandoned station, stuck gatling turrets to it, and activated the emergency broadcast to trap victims coming to aide.

Parts of the hull and most equipment are now damaged or missing, but the shape is still well recogniseable; enterprising finders could restore this station for their own purposes.



This wreck likely used to be a civilian space station with a pressurised living and working space inside. Judging by the small number of oxygen farms and low power production, it could support a crew of 1-2 persons. With no medical room or survival kit to be found in the wreck, all that's left today is one dismantled Cryo Chamber.

There is no reactor to be seen. On the bottom, on one side, it has 3 (possibly formerly 4) Oxygen Farms and on the other, 4 solar panels. Without any mining or repair equipment left behind, the purpose of the station is hard to guess. On the bottom outside, the station is equipped with two levels of docking ports: The upper level has 4 docking connectors, and the lower level has two connectors with two merge blocks each. This configuration suggests it may have been a midway station for ships to dock and refuel hydrogen and oxygen.

Surprisingly for a station, it has hydrogen thrusters. This shows that it has basic manoevering ability before anchoring in space, possibly for being dropped off by a mothership.


  • PCU 4,222
  • Mass 268,695 kg


  • 4x Button Panel
  • 1x Flight Seat
  • 4x Gatling Turret
  • 1x Interior Turret
  • 1x Antenna {MAYDAY}
  • 2x Timer Block (controlling MAYDAY Antenna)
  • 4x Solar Panel

Life Support

  • 1x Cryo Chamber
  • 3x Air Vent
  • 1x Gravity Generator
  • 3x Oxygen Farm
  • 4x O2/H2 Generator
  • 4x Oxygen Tank

Docking and Conveyor System

  • 6x Connector
  • 1x Hydrogen Tank
  • 7x Hydrogen Thrusters
  • 1x Large Cargo Container
  • 2x Small Cargo Container
  • 2x Merge Block


Since the station was officially decommissioned, there is no loot, other than the station itself and the pirates' turrets' ammo.

  • 13 Gatling Ammo Boxes
  • 4x 5.56x45mm NATO magazines