Encounter Hermit Station

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ENtrance of the Hermit station, wiht the Cargo area on the right.png

The Hermit Station is derelict station which can spawn if the "Random Encounters" option is enabled in your world. It can be found by following the "SPRT MAYDAY" signal, whick flashes on the player's HUD for 1s every minute, from a distance of ~25 km. It is most commonly found buried in an asteroid.

An external Gatling defence.png
An overview of the Hermit Station.png

Engineers should aproach with great caution, as there are two solar powered Gatling mounts guarding the asteroid, and 4 interior turrets guarding the entrance and interior of the Hermit staion.


According to the log found in the inner section of the station, the Hermit, Milton Brooks passed away over 14 years ago, due to old age and radiation sickness. Exploring the station can make you feel as if ghost of the Hermit is watching you. His body can be found underneath the habitation pod in the station's central cavern, with his helmet off and naught more than bones filling his suit.


The two large cargo containers of the Hermit station contain ~12k stone. There is no other ingot or component found on the station, unless the player decides to salvage the whole station itself, or use it as an outpost/refueling station. There are multiple Decorative DLC blocks, which will not yield components when destroyed, unless the player has the DLC installed.