Encounter Haunted Section

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Original blueprint of Encounter Haunted Section

Encounter Haunted Section is a large piece and a couple of small pieces of debris of some larger base in large-grid size.


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This article or section contains details about the game which players may be intended to discover on their own!

What ever the whole grid used to be, a base or mothership, it used to be able to fly - some of the thrusters still remain on the Section. It is possible that this base could even land, as it has landing gear on the underside.

There is a landing pad on the roof.

In addition to the usual lights, the station is also illuminated by spotlights, which is not typical for KSH stations.


When implementing this blueprint as a Random Encounters, Keen Software House (KSH) added a hidden projector that is triggered by a sensor and shows the dead corpses of engineers on the floor and on the couches.


Encounter Haunted Section with all debris attached.

This station has probably never been published in its entirety. Not much of the ship's origin is known, as it is probably Keen's own creation.

It does look like part of a space station, probably a Sol Cooperative (blue team). A possible view of the Encounter Haunted Section, which includes all the debris, has been restored by Leo TotalPipec and published on the Steam Workshop.