Encounter Ghoul Corvette

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The Ghoul Corvette

The Ghoul Corvette is a large grid attack ship that can will spawn if the "Random Encounters" option is enabled in your world.

It belongs to the "Space Pirates" faction, and emits the "SPRT MAYDAY" beacon signal.

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This article or section contains details about the game which players may be intended to discover on their own!

This is however not a derelict ship, it is mobile and will attack the engineer and full throttle away. It is possible however to catch up to it using the jetpack, due to the ship having an ellipse-like path because of the incomplete thruster setup.

Engineers should approach with great caution, as the ship has a gatling turret that will defend it.


Unlike the other encounters, this ship spawns as a ship, not a static structure. From the beginning it has at least one thruster in each direction and a sensor that reacts to the player's approach to the door. That's when the script in the programmable block is triggered and the ship starts moving. There is no pattern to the movement, it just starts flying and spinning.


Original blueprint was made by Saigon: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=503962027 There is a link to the script of the ship's programmable block.


The only cargo the ship carries is ammunition. Besides that, the parts can be salvaged for components if needed. 

The Ship contains:

  • multiple ion thrusters
  • 2 Rocket launchers
  • 2 Oxygen Tanks
  • 1 O2/H2 generator
  • 2 Gyroscopes
  • 1 Gatling Turret
  • 1 Interior Turret (bottom)
  • Survival Kit