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Emotes are built-in gestures that your avatar, the Space Engineer, can perform in game.

  • The Engineers's face, which is commonly covered by a space helmet, displays no facial expressions.
  • Emotes involve moving arms, hands, fingers, legs, changing stance or the whole body posture.
  • You can play Emotes while seated, running, and standing, but running and sitting will cancel any leg animations.
  • Several emotes that affect separate body parts can be combined and played at the same time (for example, running while pointing left and right).


Emotes are typically used in multiplayer to interact with other players in an immersive way, for example, when RP'ing (role playing).

  • Drag emotes from the G-menu and drop them into toolbar slots like hand-held tools. Then play the emote by pressing the slot number.
    Tip: Dropping an emote into the toolbar plays the animation once, so optimally, you set up your emote toolbar (remember, you have nine slots in nine toolbars!) ahead of time, before you need it.
  • Alternatively, open the chat console and play one-off emotes by typing commands, such as /wave.

One of the Steam Achievements is gained by using an emote.

Vanilla Emotes

The following emotes are available by default.

Emote Name command Description Usage examples
Wave /wave Waving right palm at head height Greeting
Victory /victory Jumping and cheering with both arms raised Joy, Success
Thumb-up /thumb Raising the right fist at shoulder height with thumb up Agreement
Facepalm /facepalm Shaking head while covering eyes with palm of right hand Disappointment

Other emotes listed below are only available if you buy the respective DLC.

Style Pack DLC Emotes

Emote Name command Description Usage examples
Angry /angry Stomping feet, clenching fists, palms chopping down dismissively Frustration, Anger
Assist Come Closer /assistcome Both hands moving up towards face, palms inward Move Closer, Pull
Assist Stop /assistend Both hands moving forwards, palms outward Stop, Away, Wait, Push
Dance /dance Dancing in place, moving elbows up to the side, turning hips Enjoying music
Aggressive Point /pointaggressive Index finger forward, then down Urgency
Point Back /pointback Pointing right thumb back over shoulder Behind
Point Down /pointdown Index finger down Here
Point Forward /pointforward Index finger foward There
Paint Left /pointleft Pointing and looking left There
Point Right /pointright Pointing and looking right There

Sparks of the Future DLC Emotes

Emote Name command Description Usage examples
Charge /charge Right index finger pointing forward, taking one step forward Start Running, Call to Attack
Come here baby /comeherebaby Pointing at someone, waving towards self with inward palms, nodding, waving Beckoning, Inviting, Reassuring
Dance Disco 1 /dancedisco1 Wide swinging arms, kicks, whole body turn Drunk dance
Dance Disco 2 /dancedisco2 Snakelike arm wave, snakelike body wave Sober dance
Looking Around /lookingaround Changing stance, looking in all directions Confused, Startled
Stretching /stretching Stretching arms, hips, legs, neck Preparing for physical effort, Waking up, "Praise the sun"
Whatever /whatever Both handed shrug, head tilt Indifference, "I don't know"
Yelling /yelling Both arms to the sides palms forward, leaning forward Exasperation

Frostbite DLC Emotes

Emote Name command Description Usage examples
Check Wrist /checkwrist Waiting, typing with right hand on wrist comm device, looking up right and left Waiting, Idling, Bored
Cold /cold Shuffling feet, hunched shoulders, rubbing arms around upper body Waiting, Freezing

Scraprace Wasteland DLC Emotes

Emote Name command Description Usage examples
Drunk /drunk Staggering back and forth, swaying, grasping side of head Impaired, sick, losing balance
Bite Me /fyou Forearm jerk, chin flick Defiance, provocation

Warfare 1: Field Engineer Emotes

Emote Name command Description Usage examples
Finger Guns /fingerguns Pretending to shoot two pistols, blowing smoke away, holstering Cool cowboy, playful challenge
Got Hit /gothit Stunned, checking for blood on chest Dramatically wounded

Warfare 2: Broadside Emotes

Emote Name command Description Usage examples
Rock /rock Counting to three, showing a fist Rock-Paper-Scissors game
Paper /paper Counting to three, showing a flat hand Rock-Paper-Scissors game
Scissor /scissor Counting to three, showing index and middle fingers pointing Rock-Paper-Scissors game
Salute /salute right flat hand raised to temple Military style greeting