Respawn Ship 2

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This article is about something now obsolete that is no longer present in Space Engineers. The page stays on the Wiki for historic purposes.

The Respawn Ship 2 used to be a type of Pre-Built Ship that the player spawned in when creating a new world using the old Asteroids scenario. It used to be known as Respawn Ship 1 in game. It was replaced by the Drop Pod.

The Respawn Ship 2 was the second of the basic respawn vehicles for deep space.

Should I choose this ship?

Respawn Ship 2 Starboard view.

Respawn Ship 2 does not have a refinery and should only be selected as a supplement for group play in multiplayer. With a mass of 93,287kg, this ship is highly maneuverable, despite only having 1 gyroscope. Due to its high quantity of 5.56x45mm NATO magazines and lack of refinery, this vessel was probable created to be a basic raid vessel for pirates or a civilian transport. If the cargo ship feature is switched off, then this vessel will be less useful to the engineer than other respawn ships.

Only players who are experienced should choose this ship when they wish to raid cargo ships, or have faction partners to supplement the lack of a Medical_Room and refineries.

This ship is not recommended for newer players. It leaves the player in a dire situation, either scramble to make an Arc Furnace immediately, and scurry around asteroids as fuel efficiently as possible in order to upgrade to a large refinery, or resort to piracy of Cargo ships or other players' ships before the fuel runs out.

This ship is highly not recommended on servers with "delete respawn ship" enabled. Given that Respawn Ship 3 and Respawn ship 2 share a cooldown timer, choose Respawn Ship 3 before Respawn Ship 2. In the event that neither Respawn Ship (Rescue Ship) nor Respawn Ship 3 are available, it's recommended you choose this ship before choosing the Escape Pod, the player's absolute last resort.



  • Blocks: 98
  • Non-armor blocks: 20
  • Conveyors: 20
  • Thrusters: 9
  • Lights: 0
  • Spotlights: 0
  • Gravity generators: 0
  • Artificial masses: 0
  • Triangles: 189,085
  • Grid mass: 93,633 Kilograms
  • Physical shapes: 112/65536


Respawn Ship 2 contains the following blocks:



  • Respawn Ship 2 will always have superficial damage to its Light Armor blocks.
  • Respawn Ship 2 is the only Respawn Ship beside the Escape pod without a Refinery or Arc Furnace.
  • Respawn Ship 2 has a shorter Cooldown than Respawn Ship 3
  • Respawn Ship 2 is the 1 of 2 space-faring Respawn Ships that has a blue and white color scheme, probable hinting at its Civilian nature as a trade/commuting vessel.
  • Respawn Ship 2 gives you the most amount of components for a respawn ship, but sacrifices utility.

Other Respawn options

  1. Respawn Ship (Rescue Ship)
  2. Respawn Ship 2 (this page)
  3. Respawn Ship 3
  4. Small drill ship
  5. Escape Pod
  6. Space Suit
  7. Atmospheric_Lander_mk.1
    1. Location Earth a.k.a. Planetary Lander
    2. Location Mars a.k.a. Mars Planet Lander
    3. Location Alien Planet a.k.a. Alien Planet Lander