Character Screen

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The Character Screen lets you customise your avatar, the Space Engineer. All engineers look like twins, therefore it's important in multiplayer to choose a colour and suit skin to tell players apart.

Space Engineers avatar - default female and male faces

The Engineer will start in the spacesuit with the default skin in a random color. Standard starting colors are Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, White, and Black.

How to open the Character Screen

You can change your appearance by opening the Character Screen in two ways:

  • Before loading a game, on the Main screen, by clicking the Character button.

Change your appearance

Character screen.
Players can customise the texture skin and colour of the space suit on the character screen.

All skins have the same functionality, e.g. camo skins do not really camouflage you. Only the looks are different. On the Character Screen, you have the following options:

  1. Choose between a male astronaut or female astronaut. You cannot change the face or body shape (unless you install mods).
  2. Choose styles for your helmet, suit, gloves, and boots. Each suit part can wear a different armor skin if desired.
  3. Choose styles for your tools, grinder, welder, drill, and rifle. Each tool can wear a different armor skin.
  4. For the overall suit colour, set the three sliders:
    • Hue: Select a base spectral color. To preview the colour on your suit, first set saturation and brightness to values higher than 50%.
    • Saturation: High to middle saturation results in a strong colour, low values turn any colour grey. Example: Pink is a low-saturation magenta.
    • Brightness: The "Value" slider lets you distinguish non-spectral colours such as black, white, brown, etc.

Some suit parts do not have many coloriseable surfaces.

Specific colour settings
Target colour Hue Saturation Brightness[1]
Red 0 or 360 100 50-100
Orange 30 100 50-100
Brown 30 100 25-50
Yellow 60 100 50-100
Green 120 100 50-100
Cyan 180 100 50-100
Blue 240 100 50-100
Purple 300 100 50-100
Pink 345 50 100
Black any 0 0
Gray any 0 50
White any 0 100

How to obtain skins?

Crocodile helmet (unusual rarity)

See Skins for details! There are several ways how to obtain new skins:

  • Recycling duplicates for tokens lets you craft new random skins (as described elsewhere on this page).
  • Exceptional and rare skins are for sale as part of DLCs on Steam, or on the Steam Community Market.
  • Common and Uncommon skins are for sale through the Steam Community Market for pennies (to complete a set), and available at random for free from Cargo Drops (PC only).
  • The rare Veteran II skin is awarded to everyone who has completed the Learning to Survive Scenario.
  • Additional wolf and spider skins are available on this screen from a Medical Room in creative mode.

And so on.

How to recycle skins?

If you have picked up many Cargo Drops (PC only), you likely have many duplicates. On the Character Screen, use the filter to show only duplicates, recycle them into tokens, and exchange the tokens for a random skin.

The filter prevents you from recycling too many skins by accident. Example: If you have 5 rainbow skins, the filter will only show 4, so you can keep one and recycle all others.

  1. Enable the Recycling button.
  2. Select a category (Character or Tools) and subcategory.
  3. Select Show only duplicates.
  4. Right-click the skin that you want to get rid of and select an option:
    • Either sell it on the Steam market.
      Continue in the Steam Market interface.
    • Or turn it into tokens (destroy).
      You will see a dialog pop up that says "You got a new item: Recycle Token".

Not every skin can be sold or recycled. The prices for selling "Unusual" or higher items vary greatly, please check the Steam Market. Common and uncommon skins are traded for pennies, they are cheap to buy and hard to sell.

How many tokens you receive for destroying the item depends on the rarity:

  • Common - Gains you 1 token
  • Uncommon - Gains you 5 tokens
  • Unusual - Gains you 25 tokens

When you have gained tokens, you can gamble for a new skin of a subcategory.

  1. Enable the Recycling button.
  2. Select a category and subcategory. E.g. suit, helmet, etc.
  3. Select a target Item Rarity that you can afford.
    • Common - Uses up 4 tokens
    • Uncommon - Uses up 20 tokens
    • Unusual - Uses up 100 tokens
    • Rare - Uses up 500 tokens
    • Exceptional - Uses up 2500 tokens
  4. Click Craft for x tokens to spend ther tokens and get a random skin of that subcategory.


  1. The brightness slider is labeled "Value" in game. This is because it uses the HSV (hue-saturation-value) color model. See table here: