Antenna Dish

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Antenna Dish
Icon Block Antenna Dish.png

Category: Functional
Function: remote access

Fits large grid
Mass: 2961.6 kg
PCU: 100
Size: 5x3x5
Time to Build: 60 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Antenna Dish is a variant of the antenna. You can build it only if you have purchased the Frostbite Pack DLC. Only players who have purchased the DLC can build and repair this block, but the owner can allow others to use it.


Functionally, the Antenna Dish and Antenna are identical, so see there for usage details. However the Antenna Dish is much bigger in volume and surface area, and in exchange for less vertical area, the Dish is more wide and flat. Its broadcasting range is the same as the regular Icon Block Antenna.png Antenna.


Antenna Dish from Frostbite Pack, Downloadable Content. 4/17/2020


The Antenna Dish block is 5x5x3 large-grid blocks large. Its recipe also forgoes the Antenna's small steel tube and large steel tube cost for 120 Icon Item Girder.png girders in material cost. The PCU cost is 100, the same as the regular Antenna. There is no small grid variant of the Antenna Dish.


Icon Block Antenna Dish.png Antenna Dish
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate6020
Icon Item Radio-comm Comp..png Radio-comm Comp.40
Icon Item Girder.png Girder120
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.1030
Icon Item Computer.png Computer8

Functional Blocks